Page 1 of Daddy's Devil



Iarrive at the party searching for Mr. Giovani. My orders were clear and I’m going to stick to them. I won’t take any chances. I remind myself of how far I’ve come again and again until I see a woman that knocks every thought from my head.

Of course, I’d recognize her in the apocalypse, let alone here at a fancy event. The red dress she has on is made of pure sin. It’s like someone stitched together every naughty thought I’ve had about her since I first laid eyes on her eight years ago.

It fits her so perfectly, the single strap pulling the eye from her delicate neck, over her olive skin revealing her collarbones. It holds tight to her breasts before tightening at her delicate little waist. The wine-colored silk underneath molds to her before the slit in her dress reveals her toned thigh and the rest of her long leg.

I’m dizzy after one glance and fighting myself. I’m not supposed to be a man right now, I’m a damn bodyguard for hire, but my cock hasn’t gotten that memo. I adjust myself discretely just as two dogs, attached to Juliana’s wrist by golden chains appear from around her dress.

They’re little things, adorable. One is a deep chocolate color and the other a light brown. But they don’t care about anything except the woman holding them.

Juliana Giovani has grown into her curves and her attitude. I lift my gaze from her body to her face. Her high cheekbones, the sharpness of those blue eyes that aren’t softened by makeup, the way her blonde hair falls down her back in perfect ringlets. She holds her head high and ignores everyone else in the room.

In eight years she’s gone from a tempting girl who likes to tease and flirt to a goddess with the body of a siren. And it’s definitely not fucking wasted on me.

A throat clears and I look over with some trouble. Not looking at her feels like shortchanging myself. Mr. Giovani stands there. He glances at his daughter and nods. “Different than you remember, right Konstantin?”

I nod. A whole lot more of a challenge, finally legal – nope. Nope. That’s a bad thought. Lief would be able to read it on my face and there’s no way my mentor would let me get away with it. Although, I’d take two hours of conditioning training just to keep looking at Juliana for another second.

“Don’t mistake her. She’s just as troublesome as she was when she was sixteen, if not more. She knows how men look at her now and she abuses it. That’s why I’m trusting you with her.”

A bad choice really, because I’m happy to let hertryand abuse the situation. I want to see how far she’d go. Would she fuck me to get out from under my watch? Might be worth dying for.

But if I keep thinking about slowly taking her dress off and skimming my hands over her warm skin I’m going to lose this job, lose every ounce of respect from Mr. Volkov, be without a job, and appeal to absolutely no one, let alone Juliana.

“I understand the job.”

“Do not let her out of your sight. You did well when she was younger. You were the only one who wasn’t tempted. That’s why I’m trusting you now ... on a trial basis.” Mr. Giovani’s eyes and tone cut through me and help calm my cock.

This is fucking serious.

I nod.

“And watch out for those horrible little dogs.” His lips curl as he adjusts his gray hair slightly. “They go after more than ankles.”

I glance at them. They walk dutifully by Juliana’s side, not barking or making a fuss. They look so soft. Would it be terrible and unprofessional if I asked to pet them? It’s definitely more professional than asking Juliana if I can steal her away and get my hands on her instead.

“Guard your ankles and guard Juliana. I don’t want her making a scene or going home with anyone tonight.”

She is a grown-up. She could go home with anyone she wanted with little more than a wink, but I know it’s not my place to say that. “Of course, sir.”

He leans closer. “Best not to tell her I’m paying you to watch her. She’ll get prickly.”

Prickly enough to shove me against a wall and tame me?

Nope. That would be another thought for later.

Mr. Giovani offers me his hand. “I’m putting my faith in you for tonight. I hope I haven’t misplaced it.”

“Don’t let her cause a scene. Don’t let her leave with anyone. Don’t reveal you’re paying me,” I recite simply.

“Good man.” Mr. Giovani nods to where she sits with another girl and some men. “I have some people on the payroll. Never know how she’s going to behave after all. Head over before she notices us talking.”

I don’t need to be told twice. That’s for sure. I walk to the table where my own personal temptress sits and find myself crossing my fingers behind my back. I put on the mask Lief taught me to perfect, the one that gives nothing away.

I won’t be the same young kid she met when she was only sixteen. The one that she liked to play with since I blushed easily. She would tease me about how tall I am, and how lanky it made me, asking if I could do more protecting from her bedroom.