Page 2 of Daddy's Devil

And I’d been man enough to ignore her. A twelve-year age difference will do that. But now, now that she’s absolutely legal, has somehow gotten more beautiful, and definitely knows the impression she gives with that damn dress, it won’t be a challenge to keep my eyes on her all night.

It’ll be a challenge to keep my dick under control.

As I sit, Juliana glances at me from the corner of her eye. Her eyes hold a second longer and I might see a slight lift of her lips, but she doesn’t give much away. Her dogs trot over to me and sniff my foot until she gently tsks at them. They sit and watch her.

“They’re well trained.”

“Thank you. Service dogs have to be.” Her voice has gotten a little bit deeper, but it’s that same beautiful, deceptively innocent tone.

Her father is called up to make a speech and Juliana snorts before taking a long drink from her champagne flute, draining nearly half of it. She shakes her head slightly. While she works on finishing her glass before the end of the speech, I take the chance to pet her pups.

The lighter one eagerly accepts my big hand over its fluff. They’re so adorable, I can’t resist. I make sure to be gentle so I don’t hurt them, considering one could easily sit in my hand. The darker one trots over, eyes me carefully, then accepts a gentle pat.

Juliana adjusts, her bare leg blocking me from her dogs.

I sit up and adjust, taking a long drink of water. Juliana isn’t facing me, but I see her smirk. Once the speech is over, she turns and looks me over. Her fingers stroke her champagne flute in a way that’s so suggestive I can’t ignore it.

I take another long drink.

“You’re not very sneaky.”


“You’re supposed to ask before you touch.” She leans closer. “If you’re a gentleman.”

“I never said I was,” I answer.

Her smile widens and I feel her foot brush my ankle. “Well, you could have put your hands on something better ... if you were a gentleman that is.”

“I’m so bored.” One of the other women says at the table. She has short reddish-brown hair and is in a simple gold dress. “You promised fun, Juliana.”

“Of course I did.” She eyes me again. “Are you fun, Mr ....”

I don’t bother to fill in the name. I’m enjoying the fact that she doesn’t remember me and is still flirting. She leans towards me when I stay silent, giving me a wonderful view. Her full lips, her eyelashes fluttering, and her legs spread with the slit revealing her upper thigh.

“I can be fun. Depends on the definition of the word,” I say.

She smiles very slightly. “Bullshit.”

I arch an eyebrow.

“That’s what we’ll play. It’s a simple card game.” She pulls two decks of cards out of her purse and shuffles them. “Simple. Try to get rid of your cards quickly without anyone catching you lying. Just lay down. Patricia and I will go first.”

She hands out all the cards and motions some of the others to look. “You’ll need to know what you’re lying about for this game.” Her eyes flick back to me. “Think you can handle it?”

Oh, I’d love to handle her any way she sees fit. Instead, I keep my face calm and nod.

She lays down two aces, and her friend lays down four twos. Juliana looks over at her. “Patricia, you’re not lying already are you?”

“Find out.”

Juliana laughs and the sound is so real that I can’t help but enjoy it. I’ve heard all her fake laughs, seen her fake smiles, and seen plenty of what people expect of her, but I like the real thing so much more.

“I’m not going easy on you tonight.”

“You never do.” Patricia sighs. “That’s why I’m the only one who will play with you.”

“You mean the only one who has Daddy Dearest’s permission to play.” Juliana scoffs, obvious frustration showing. She covers it quickly. “If you decide you don’t want to play – anyone – that’s fine.”