“You’re the furthest thing from fine,” I point out. “Besides, you can hardly move and I’m not risking climbing on top only to break you some more or have your mother walk in wanting to help shower you or some bullshit like that.”

“I’m more than capable of showering by myself,” he tells me with a roll of his eyes. “Though, you’re welcome to join me if you want.”

“You’re such an ass,” I remind him for the tenth time today. After all, fending him off has become quite normal over the past four days. Who would have known that getting jumped and being stuck in the hospital for three long days would have that effect on a guy?

My phone chimes on the bed beside me and I reach to scoop it up. I get comfortable in Puck’s arm while being careful not to hurt him with my movements, though that doesn’t seem to be something that bothers him. Maybe he’s some kind of machine that doesn’t register pain or maybe he’s just trying to act tough for the sake of appearing like some kind of fearless leader.

I bring my phone up and open a text from Brylee.

Brylee – HOLY FUCK! Shit is going down at that Haven Falls party. Apparently, Phoenix just outed Tora for having an eating disorder! How fucking crazy is that?

My mouth drops open. What the actual fuck?

Courtney – That’s insane. Phoenix is an idiot. I don’t believe it. Besides, Tora is fine. I think we’d know if she was sick!

“What’s going on?” Puck murmurs, nudging my thigh.

“Phoenix is starting trouble at the party in Haven Falls,” I explain, shaking my head while letting out a frustrated groan. I mean, haven’t we all had to handle enough shit over the past few days? The guys have been desperately searching for some answers to put Puck’s mind at ease about who did this shit to him. They’ve practically interrogated everyone at school and now have expanded their search into Haven Falls. We couldn’t possibly deal with any more bullshit, but apparently, Phoenix thinks otherwise.

I really feel for Puck through. It’s been hard keeping him in bed over the past few days. He wants nothing more than to get out there and find the dickheads who hurt him and give them what they deserve, but with a broken arm, bruised ribs, and injuries from head to toe, he’ll be stuck here for a while. He just has to have faith in his friends that they’ll come through for him, but then, I guess it’s just not the same as doing it yourself.

Brylee responds with her usual chatter and I instantly get distracted while Puck takes over control of Netflix, but to be honest, I don’t know how long this is going to last. Puck doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to lay in bed for weeks on end watching movies. Eventually, he’s going to get bored and force his way out of his home, despite doctor’s orders.

I’m not surprised when the opening credits for ‘Transformers’ appears on his big ass television. I mean, fast robot cars with guns, Megan Fox, and a kickass robot war, and this movie has easily got to be every guy’s fantasy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely into dudes, but that one scene with Megan Fox leaning over Bumblebee’s hood. Damn. I’m down for that.

Just as I knew it would, ‘Transformers’ completely sucks us in and it’s not until Tyson dives through Puck’s bedroom door that I realize we’ve been watching the movie in complete silence for at least an hour. “What the fuck?” Puck grunts as Tyson comes barreling in.

For some unknown reason, I find myself jumping away from Puck as though what we were doing is somehow taboo, but the next words out of Tyson’s mouth have me forgetting all about it. “We fucking got them,” he cheers as though he just had the best fucking night of his life.

“Who?” I demand. “The guys who got Puck?”

“Damn straight,” Tyson says proudly, grinning at Puck like he’s waiting for a medal. Puck stills, watching Tyson intently, desperate for information. “You should have fucking seen us, man. We took them down. Those fuckers won’t ever show their faces again.”

“Who was it?” Puck demands as he tries to get up into a sitting position while getting frustrated that he still doesn’t have the answers he’s after.

“You’re not going to fucking believe it,” Tyson says with a sparkle in his eye as though he’s about to make Puck work for the answer.

“Tyson. Just fucking tell me already.”

Ty sighs. “Josh Henderson and two of his fucking goons from Haven Falls. Brooke and Tora overheard them discussing it at the party. Apparently, they had some kind of plan to knock us all off one by one.”

My eyes widen in horror as I reach forward and grab hold of Puck’s hand. How can people be so horrible? Nate and Tora have had issues with Josh in the past and while Puck isn’t completely innocent, he certainly didn’t do anything to deserve this.