“Fuck,” Puck spits. “Josh Henderson? Are you fucking sure?”

“Yeah, Nate got every last detail out of him. He was the fucker who did that number to your ribs.”

“It doesn’t make any fucking sense. I haven’t done shit to Josh. I’ve fucked up a few of the Haven Falls guys over the past few years, but nothing to this extent,” he says, indicating down his body.

“I know, man,” Tyson agrees. “Josh said Jackson was the one who put them up to it. Said he paid them to do it.”

Puck’s brow arches as he watches Tyson for a silent moment. “Nah,” he says, shaking his head. “That’s bullshit. Jackson is a fucking dickhead but think about it. Josh is from Broken Hill, he has money, and Jackson is a lowlife from Haven Falls without a cent to his name. He couldn’t possibly have come up with the cash to convince Josh to go up against us, let alone two others. Jackson didn’t do this. This is Josh trying to weasel his way out of a bad situation.”

Tyson cringes. “Well, shit. If you’re right, maybe we fucked up…just a little.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I question anxiously.

Tyson scrunches up his face and looks back at Puck. “Nate didn’t take a second to think it through like you did. He just acted.”

“Fuck,” Puck sighs. “What did he do?”

“He sort of set fire to Jackson’s car. Though, I’m surprised you don’t know about it already. You should have been able to hear the explosion from here.”

“What?” I shriek with wide eyes. What kind of people have I just got myself involved with? Maybe I should have gone to this party after all. It sounds like the best fucking party of the year, though I don’t think anything could have really beat Jesse’s birthday a few weeks ago. Now that was a good party.

Puck is quick to jump to his best friend’s defense and shrugs his shoulder. “Oh well, Jackson deserved that shit after he ran Nate off the road the other week. An eye for an eye, right?”

Tyson just grins. “There’s more.”

“What? How is there more? What the fuck was going on at that party?”

“Phoenix,” Tyson declares.

“Oh, you mean, outing Tora about her eating disorder? Yeah, we already head about that.”

“No, not that,” he says, shaking his head and making me sit a little straighter. There couldn’t possibly have been more bullshit going down tonight. “Phoenix is Jesse and Nate’s half-sister. She blurted it out in front of everyone and Tora lost her shit and started beating her ass. There’s probably a fucking video going around somewhere.”

“Are you kidding me?” I shriek, pushing up onto my knees as my eyes bulge out of my head. “There’s no way!”

“Scouts honor,” Tyson says with a chuckle, dropping down onto the end of Puck’s bed and letting us know that’s the end of the gossip he’s been dying to share. He lays back onto the bed and looks up at his hand, opening and closing his fist. “I swear, you fuckers should have been there. It was an epic night. Though, I think I fucked up my hand knocking that dickhead out.”

I shake my head, unable to catch up with everything that’s been said, but Puck apparently doesn’t have the same issue as he grabs his phone, presses a few buttons, and brings the phone to his ear. The call rings out as he drops his hand back into his lap. “Nate’s not answering,” he informs us.

“No shit,” Tyson grumbles. “He’s probably just working out that his dad was screwing Phoenix’s mom while cheating on his. Jesse isn’t going to handle this well.”

“Wait,” I say, looking around at both the boys. “Didn’t Jesse get with Phoenix before school went back.”

Tyson grins while Puck looks as though he’s about to be sick. “That’s fucking disgusting.”

“I know,” Ty laughs. “I have a feeling there’s going to be a few fights in our future though because there’s no way I’m letting the fucker live that one down.”

I shake my head and turn back to Puck who seems to be going way too quiet for his own good. “Are you okay?” I question as Tyson falls victim to ‘Transformers.’

His thumb brushes over the back of my hand as he watches me. “I think so,” he finally says. “For now, at least, but this isn’t over. I know the boys got what payback they felt necessary, but I won’t stop until I feel that fucker’s face beneath my fist.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, babe. I can’t let him get away with this. The second this cast is off my arm; I’m making Josh Henderson my bitch.”

I grin wide, unable to understand why the hell that turns me on so damn much. “Okay,” I tell him. “But you better get him good because I’ll be standing there waiting with the frozen peas for your hand, and I don’t do that kind of shit for just anyone.”