Page 21 of Chasing Simone

“What? You need to take a leak or something?”

Butch shakes his head. “No, I’m good. I just wanted to say thank you.”

“No need to thank me, brother.”

“Yes, I do. I know you wanted Luca’s head as much as I did. He hurt your woman, too.”

I sigh. “Not as much as he hurt your Candy.”

Butch falls silent, and I surmise that’s the end of our conversation. However, Butch speaks up again. “Candy…she’s mine, always has been, even though I’ve never told her. I’ve wanted her since the moment I came into the club.”

Boggled, I do a double-take. “Then why haven’t you claimed her?”

Butch looks out the passenger window. “She isn’t ready to accept who she is.”

Confused, I ask, “Who she is? As in yours?”

My brother turns back to me, with a shrug. “Among other things.”

Obviously, there’s more to the story. I’m fairly good at decryption, but Butch is being inscrutable for a reason. I don’t press for more information. Butch will share when he’s ready.

“You’ll be good for her, Butch. She needs stability, and you can provide it, along with love and trust.”

Butch looks ahead, sighing. “I may be good for her, but first she needs to accept me, as well as owning herself.”

I get the sense Butch is referring to something of a sexual nature, but I’m clueless about what.

“Have you two…”

I don’t know how to ask my question without coming across as intrusive. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dying of curiosity. The guys in the crew were convinced Butch was asexual. No one had ever seen him hook up with anyone. When he started spending time with Candy, it threw our brotherhood for a loop.

“No. I want all of her or nothing. I won’t settle for a false version of her—the woman she presents to others isn’t who she really is. She hasn’t come into herself yet, and I don’t want the person she’s given to everyone else. I want the woman she truly is, the dominant version of herself she doesn’t know exists. Being her fuck buddy isn’t an option. To have a taste of her and still not own her heart would end me.”

My stomach turns, recalling the woman who owns me wholly while evading me. “I know exactly what you mean.”

He turns his full attention to me. “You own Simone. She may not realize it yet, but it doesn’t change the fact that you have her heart in your hand. Cherish it and be ready. Shit will move quickly once she surrenders to you. I promise you, bro. It may not be as soon as you want, but it’s already in motion.”

My chest tightens. Fuck if my brother hasn’t gotten me in my feels with his proclamation. I bite the inside of my bottom lip, missing my lip ring. I never realized how much I bite on it when I feel uneasy. A nervous tell.

I clear my throat. “I guess we both need to make our women see reason and hope they give us a shot.”

“Amen to that.”



Mama Bear—or more appropriately, my mom, Stella—is the voluntary cafeteria lady of the club. Her cooking is always amazing, but I can’t eat. My gut is tied in knots, twisting uncomfortably.

Needing a distraction, I help my mom clean the kitchen after dinner, but it goes too quickly. My mom can tell something’s bothering me, but she chats about her latest quilting project, knowing I won’t talk until I’m ready.

After we put away the dishes, I retreat to my room. Though the trash is gone, it still needs deep cleaning. I thoroughly polish and vacuum. Next I scrub the bathroom, followed by stripping the bed, laying new sheets.

Chase still hasn’t returned from his mission. I grab my laundry basket, heading to the basement level, where the laundry room is located. Most of the club has settled in for the night, but I’m going strong. I use the elliptical machine in the gym for an hour, shower, and finish folding my clothes.

Time ticks on at a snail’s pace, each second weighing heavily on my heart.

My head hasn’t stopped racing with worry since discovering the guys went on a man hunt nearly twelve hours ago. Anxious, I bounce my leg from where I sit on the end of my bed. How long does it take to kill somebody?