Page 22 of Chasing Simone

A swell of nausea rises to my throat. I swallow back the bile, chastising myself for being dismissive with someone’s life. Doesn’t matter if Luca deserves all that’s coming for him, I shouldn’t be flippant over his end.

It’s early morning, still pitch black outside, when I hear the faint sound of tires pulling into the compound through my open windows. I strain my ears, trying to pick up the sound of anyone talking, but I’m greeted with silence.

Like a teenager sneaking out of their parents’ home, I creep out of my room, tiptoeing out to the open landing on the top floor to look down into the main living area of the giant complex. I missed whoever it was walking by, but I can see their retreating shadows as they make their way into the basement, where the locker room and armory are located.

Anxiously, I sit on the steps, waiting for them to come this way to head to bed.

What am I doing? I shouldn’t be out here creeping on Chase. What kind of message would I be sending?

Mixed signals, that’s what I’d be sending him. I’m not supposed to care this much. I’m not supposed to worry about his livelihood.

I’m such a hypocrite, lying to myself when I know I want nothing more than to run after him and jump into his arms. Kiss him all over his handsome face before diving my hand into his pants…

Oh, my.Even my thoughts aren’t safe.

Restless, I clench and unclench my hands, unsure of what to do. Behind me, I hear a door snick shut. It could have been Butch, with how quiet he is, but it may have been Chase, coming up from the staircase on the opposite end of the hallway. I pad barefoot back down the hall toward Chase’s door.

Foolishly, I press my ear against the wood. I hear nothing, but these rooms are fairly soundproof.

If anyone saw me, there would be no way of denying my feelings for Chase. I need to go to bed.

Hurriedly, I pull away from the door, only to stop dead in my tracks. Butch is standing six paces away. He sports a sly grin, fully aware of what I was up to.

Crap on a cracker.My luck sucks eggs, I swear.

Without saying a word, Butch saunters toward me. My mind is racing a mile a minute to fabricate a likely excuse for why I’m standing outside Chase’s door in the middle of the night.

Before I can ramble out an explanation, Butch raps his knuckles hard on Chase’s door. He then darts down the hall, ducking into his room.

“Why, you little—”

I don’t get to finish my sentence before Chase opens his door. He’s standing in front of me without his glasses, hair down, shirtless, the button of his jeans undone. Inviting as fuck.

My mouth gapes open and close like a fish, unable to give a valid reason for my presence. “Um, hi.”

Chase’s Adam apple bobs as he swallows. His warm brown eyes run along my body, setting my skin ablaze in their wake. The things this man ignites inside of me without touching me…

“I—I shouldn’t be here,” I apologize. “I heard you went afterhim, and…” I debate if I should be honest.

Chase stares intently at me, like my answer will be fundamental to where we go from here.

Does he have to be so damn gorgeous? The dude renders me stupid.

Careful, Simone.Honesty will open a door I may not close again.

In my head, I have my reasoning, but then my heart jumps out of my mouth. “I was worried about you.”

Chase’s hand snatches out faster than the leather of a whip, snagging the front of my night shorts.

“Eek,” is all I get out before he’s dragging me against his hard body. His mouth is on mine, hot and rough, forcing my lips to part for his demanding tongue.

I’m lost. So, so, lost. Swept away in his warmth and my need.

As suddenly as he grabbed me, he releases me, as if my touch burned him. “Shit. I shouldn’t be touching you. Not until I’ve washed.”

My mouth parts in a silent O. At first I’m relieved he isn’t rejecting me, but then I realize why he wants to wash. I wrap my arms around my midsection to hold myself together.

“Fuck, Numbers,” Chase breathes, pulling me deeper into his room. His leather and peppermint scent is strong in this section of the suite, clinging to his gray bedding. “Give me five minutes to shower. Then we can talk.”