Page 61 of Chasing Simone

I raise an eyebrow at Trent’s odd word choice. “Potential breach?”

“Sorry for the confusion. That’s how the powers above are referring to it,” Trent clarifies. “One, they’re hoping the funds aren’t gone and are simply misplaced, where we can easily regain access to them. And two, they’re trying to reduce panic among our employees. This pilfering operation could shut down the firm. We can’t afford to have employees jumping ship. It’s best if we don’t involve staff outside of middle management or higher.”

I sigh. This is becoming more complicated. “How are you explaining our presence?”

“The staff has been told you’re assisting with our internal audit.”

Chase pinches the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses askew. “So we’re expected to hide our true intentions to appease the firm’s administration? Do you realize how much this could impede our investigation? One slip of the tongue from any of our team members could cause hysteria among your employees. Mercy Ravens Security is not a company that deceives its clients—your staff is part of that group.”

“If we don’t hide our true intentions, we could risk the staff leaving, and possibly the culprit. Chase, I think it’s best if we keep our true purpose here to ourselves,” I suggest.

My possessive biker grimaces, running his hand into his tawny-colored man bun. “Fine. But we’re not being held responsible if word gets out among staff and chaos ensues. You’ll pay us in full for our time committed to this project. I need it in writing from your upper management before we move forward in this investigation.”

Trent nods. “I’ll speak with the board about your conditions before proceeding.”

With our position made clear, I press on. “Who will assist me when I need access to document control’s files in onsite storage?”

“I’m able to do it, but I’ll request another manager in case I’m with your IT team when you need access,” Trent offers.

Chase shakes his head. “Like hell.”


“No, Numbers. You recall what I said last night?”

As if I could forget his crude declaration of ownership while he was balls deep inside of me. I also can’t forget the threat he made to beat the tar out of anyone he found to be a threat to our budding relationship. I don’t believe Chase would attack anyone without cause, but I certainly don’t want to test him either.

My attention returns to Trent. “As you know, auditing is slow-paced. However, Chase will uproot things left and right once he infiltrates the firm’s data servers. He’ll need someone from the firm at all times to make executive decisions. Your time would be better served with Chase’s team. Who else can assist me?”

Trent’s lips thin, but he schools his features quickly as he looks past us. “I have someone in mind.”

“And who is that?” I ask.

“I believe Trent is referring to me,” a seductive woman drawls from behind me.

My eyes close involuntarily. It just had to beher.

Beside me, Chase curses under his breath. He wraps an arm around my waist, almost like he’s trying to channel his limited control into me.

Slowly, I open my eyes, turning to face my former manager. “Hello, Cynthia.”



“Simone,” Cynthia sings sweetly, stepping around us to stand beside Trent. “It’s good to see you again after so long. Gosh, it’s been what? A year? How time flies.”

To my great displeasure, Cynthia looks as gorgeous as always. I may have fantasized about her having a serious breakout of warts across her face a time or two. Of course, that isn’t my luck.

My former boss is taller and more slender than me, pulling off her fitted cream-colored designer suit like a Paris runway model. Her shoulder-length chestnut hair is professionally styled, complementing her artfully done makeup. Her appearance screams management, demanding obedience from her subordinates.

A year ago, Cynthia intimidated me with her striking appearance and superior complex. Not anymore. I expected to experience some residual anger facing her again. Yet all I feel is indifference. She’s no longer very impressive or someone to admire. Her appeal is only surface deep and artificial. Emulating fake is not something I wish to replicate.

Her eyes land on Chase, going wide as she takes him all in. “Oh, my. You must be from the security company.” She holds out her hand, looking like the temptress she is. “Cynthia Higgins.”

Chase looks at her hand, refusing to release his hold around my waist. Instead, he holds out his other hand, forcing Cynthia to switch hers. “Chase. And yes, I’m leading the Mercy Ravens Security team on this investigation. Looks like you’ll beassistingSimone.”

His comment ruffles Cynthia’s feathers. She attempts to plaster a fake smile on her face to hide her scowl. “Yes, whatever Simone needs. We want to return to normal quickly.” She leans in to Trent to add emphasis to her words, running a hand down his arm, with a smug smile.