Page 60 of Chasing Simone

“Chase,” I warn. Doesn’t matter if I like his lips on mine. He’s purposely being inappropriate in front of our client, like a territorial jerk.

When I turn back to face Trent, he’s grimacing, saying nothing as he waits for our team. He probably senses I’ll hand him his balls if he comments on my relationship again. It’s obvious Chase is attempting to goad Trent, but I don’t see Trent showing any interest in me other than being judgmental, and maybe a little curious about my alternative lifestyle.

Before heading inside, I give Chase a last look of warning to knock it off. However, I have a feeling Chase is only getting started as he winks back in response.



Seconds later, our crew is being led inside P.L. Moore Financial. The inside of the building is as modern and sterile as the outside. I have a newfound appreciation for my sister’s warm, mid-century modern designs. I used to think monochromatic interior design was sophisticated. Now, it feels cold and unwelcoming. I miss the soothing earth tones of headquarters.

Trent sets our team up with security clearance key cards at the welcome station before escorting us into the main offices. A few heads turn toward our team, mostly women, along with a few men, tripping over the impressive display of man-meat walking through the firm. Can’t say I blame them—the MC guys are an entirely different breed of muscle men.

It’s not long before old, familiar faces notice I’m walking with the MC entourage. I can hear the loud whispers and gasps as we move along the corridors. Uneasiness seeps into my gut.

What are they thinking about my reappearance? Do they know what transpired between me, Trent, and Cynthia?

It pisses me off their opinions are affecting me. I’m Simone Holland—I know my worth and shouldn’t give a crap about what others think of me.

I never said a word to anyone about why I was leaving, but who knows what Trent and Cynthia told others. It’s not like the rest of the company didn’t know Trent and I were a couple. Private relationships within the company are only off limits if one person in the relationship is the boss of the other. It might be a conflict of interest. Trent was a manager in a different department. Thus, our relationship didn’t go against company guidelines.

When human resources asked why I was leaving the firm, I said it was time I move on. However, if Trent and Cynthia went public with their relationship after I left, I’m sure my former co-workers may have speculated their relationship drove me away.

Though my feet are moving, each step becomes more difficult to take, the more eyes land on me. I’m a professional, but I’m not a robot. I have feelings. If I don’t get ahold of myself, my nerves will get the best of me.

Intuitive as always, Chase seems to sense my discomfort. He rests his hand at the small of my back, encouraging me to move forward with my head held high. He leans forward to whisper in my ear as we walk.

“I’m here.”

As furious as I am with his earlier caveman stunt, I’m grateful for his support. It may seem minor, but as someone who’s been doing everything on her own for years, this little gesture means a lot. It means I’m not alone. Finally, someone is in my corner.

We move deeper into the building before Trent waves his hand at the door leading into the main computer service room. “As we agreed in the contract, you have clearance to all areas of the building, aside from management’s offices. You must give notice to access those areas prior to entrance. Please understand this is to protect our clients who may be here on appointment.

“Data servers are in here. We stationed all the company security cameras across the hall in our security service room. The file room holding hard copies is located down the hall. Since the room is fireproof secure and not accessible to all staff, you’ll need to access it using the key cards we gave you, but we request a manager to assist you. There’s a conference room next door for your belongings. Simone can direct you on where things are if I have to step away for whatever reason.”

Butch and Punk push past our group to unload the team’s IT equipment in the designated conference room.

Ignoring Chase’s dominating presence at my back, Trent addresses me directly. “Because of the volume of archived files you requested from offsite storage, the main floor conference rooms aren’t large enough to accommodate them. We have them on the top floor, in one of the management conference rooms.”

Having worked in the firm, I’m well-aware of the limited space the lower level conference rooms offer. I nod, understanding why Trent made the call to move the audit to the top floor. Chase, however, is far from lenient.

“Hold up. Your onsite archives for the current year are in fireproof storage on the ground level, but you moved our auditor to the fourth floor, away from the current client files she’ll need to access routinely?”

“Chase, the space is an issue. I would take up two smaller conference rooms, as opposed to one larger room,” I supply.

“I don’t care if you take up three conference rooms. I want you with the team. Not running ragged, fetching onsite files. That’s unacceptable.”

What Chase means is, he wants me close, where he can monitor Trent’s interaction with me. “I have Punk,” I pacify, reminding him his best friend’s job is to monitor Trent’s behavior around me.

“The closer you are to the archives, the moreefficientyou’ll be.” His hard stare speaks of his unvoiced concern. The more inconveniences we face, the longer I’ll be in Trent’s presence.

“I’m able to recruit help from our staff to retrieve client files from onsite storage, if that’ll help in your investigation,” Trent offers.

A reasonable solution. “We would appreciate the help.”

Chase’s jaw snaps shut, grinding his teeth in frustration. He takes a moment to collect himself, crossing his thick arms over his chest before he addresses Trent. “Who will assist Simone?”

“Our document control staff is assisting with our own internal investigation into the potential breach, which leaves us with another manager who has access.”