Page 58 of Chasing Simone

“Fine,” I concede bitterly, stomping from the hotel to the café next door. I should drop it, but the stubborn side of me needs to have the last word. “And he’s not my man.”

“The hell I’m not,” Chase growls beside me as he angrily jabs out a text on his cell.

With four cups of coffee and a bag full of bagels in hand, the team exits the café and heads to our vehicles. I’m climbing into the SUV when Chase hollers at me. “Simone, could you come help me with something?”

The urge to roll my eyes is strong, but I suppress it. Something tells me it would set Chase off. He’s already being extra, and I don’t want to deal with any more of his absurd bullshit. “Chase, we don’t have time for diddle dallying.”

“Five minutes tops, I swear.”

I drop my purse in the SUV, handing off the food and drinks to Punk. Irritated, I stomp over to Chase’s silver hog, where he’s fidgeting with the second helmet he keeps strapped to his bike. “What’s going on?”

Without warning, Chase stuffs the helmet over my head. My noggin gets suctioned in with an audiblewhoosh.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I shriek, trying to tear off the stupid thing.

“Stand still, you little hellion. I need to adjust it to fit.”

“Dammit, Chase. We don’t have time for this. Not to mention you ruined my hair!”

Ignoring my protest and slapping hands, Chase secures the helmet safely in place. Pleased, he nods at his handy work and climbs on his bike. “Hop on,” he orders.

I recoil. “Like hell.”

Chase points at my legs. “No dress. No skirt. You’re in pants, meaning you can ride with your man.” He cuts off my rebuke by starting the motorcycle, revving the engine.

This is ridiculous. There’s no way I’m climbing onto his bike in my nice business suit. I turn on my heels to head back to the SUV. I’ll worry about the helmet and my hair on the way to the firm.

Before I take a step, Chase grabs the waistband on my dress slacks. I squeal as he hauls me into his lap, cradling me bridal style. He rockets off, only giving me time to wrap my arms around his neck. Doesn’t matter that I’m screaming at the top of my lungs, Chase hauls ass down the road. Butch follows close at his side on his hog, and Punk trails in the SUV.

The ride is short, but not short enough. The wind whips in my face, making my eyes water. I swear if my mascara has run down my face, I will beat the snot out of Chase.

A few scream-filled minutes later, Chase pulls into the parking lot in front of the firm—a white contemporary structure with large windows. It looks like something out of the future with minimal landscaping, all in the various shades of green. It once appealed to me, but now it looks like a blah eyesore.

I’m throwing every insult under the sun at Chase as he turns off his bike. He pulls off his helmet, grinning like an arrogant jackass.

“Have I told you your filthy mouth is the biggest turn-on? And your juicy ass rubbing against my dick…mmm. You have me harder than a baseball bat.”

My mouth drops. The nerve of this guy. What’s more surprising than his crudeness is the wetness collecting in my panties. Dirty talk never was my turn-on until this man entered my life, and it frustrates me how he affects me this much.

I want to give him a piece of my mind, but unfortunately, my mind isn’t cooperating with my mouth. “You…you…”

“I love how frustrated I make you, especially sexually. It makes us even.” He bops me on the tip of my nose with a tatted finger to piss me off even more.

“Ugh! If you don’t get this stupid thing off my head, I’ll be throwing a fast pitch at your baseball bat.”

“Mmm, foreplay. I love it when you talk rough kink. But it’ll have to wait. Our client is here.”

Before I can retort, a voice from the past brings me to a screeching halt. “Simone?”



“Simone, is that you?”

I freeze, not ready to face the man who ripped out my heart. Chase slowly turns his head toward my ex, his eyes narrowing to lethal slits behind his thick-framed glasses.

Why is Trent outside? Did Chase plan for him to see us together? Disbelief colors my voice as I ask Chase, “Were you texting him earlier when we left the hotel?”