Page 57 of Chasing Simone

My stomach turns. “I hate to think someone I used to work with could be a thief. But I also didn’t think my boyfriend would sleep with my boss, so my judgment is shit. Anything is possible, it seems.”

At the mention of Trent, Chase’s face hardens. I’m not sure why the mention of my ex upsets him when last night I made it clear he has nothing to worry about regarding Trent. Still, it’s clear Chase is stewing about something.

My possessive biker is waiting for me to finish, his eyes following my every movement. The creases in his forehead grow more pronounced the longer he watches me flutter around the hotel suite, collecting my things for the day.

Done, I turn to him. “Do I look okay?”

“You look incredible—you always do.” Chase stands from his seat on the edge of the bed, sauntering toward me with his sexy swagger. His hand brushes my hair away from my neck, where he leans in and inhales, sending delightful shivers up my spine. “You smell amazing, too.”

I bite my lip to stop my moan from escaping.

He hands me my purse, takes my hand, and leads us out of our hotel room. I glance at the time on my phone as we head to meet Butch and Punk. Chase is oddly quiet in the elevator. If he was making smart-aleck remarks about last night by the pool or tried to cop a feel in the elevator, I’d expect that behavior from Chase. Silence isn’t his norm around me, and it’s making me slightly anxious, on top of already being apprehensive about seeing Trent.

I peek at my biker, noticing his scowl. “Are you okay?”

Chase looks at me, his frown deepening. “No. I’m not going to pretend to be happy about your ex being around you again.” He squeezes my hand tighter, possessively. “He’s going to make a move on you. I know it.”

Grimacing, I shake my head at the unappealing thought. “He won’t.”

“The fuck he won’t. Have you looked at yourself this morning? You’re breathtaking.”

“That’s incredibly sweet, Chase.” I motion down at myself. “But I’m not dressed any differently than I normally am.”

“That’s exactly the point,” Chase gripes. “You’re fucking hot all the time. Trent may be a twat, but he knew you were a beauty. You think a year away from you has dimmed his senses? Please.”

The elevator door dings open. I scoff at Chase’s absurdity. Dropping his hand, I exit the elevator. Chase follows, hot on my heels. “I bet you a grand he asks you out by the end of the day.”

“I’ll match your bet and raise you another grand he’ll ask before lunchtime,” Punk challenges him, striding toward us with Butch.

“Stop egging him on, Moron. He’s already stressed enough,” I chide. I look at my cell, noting the time. “We’re running short on time. We should skip breakfast if we want to arrive early.”

Chase folds his arms, defiance radiating out of him. “Why do we need to arrive early? They aren’t paying us extra for being a half-hour early. You need fuel after the workout I put you through last night.”

Butch smirks, pretending his attention is elsewhere. Punk is not so subtle. He sticks his finger in his mouth, making a gagging sound.

Ignoring the others, I address Chase. “I don’t want to risk running behind. Sacramento is not Fort Collins. Downtown traffic can be a real bitch in the morning. We should leave now.”

Chase steps into my bubble. “Are you sure you’re not just eager to see Trent?”

“Oh, shit,” Butch mumbles under his breath, shaking his head. “Retreat while you still can, bro.”

Pissed, I place my hands on my waist and cock a hip. “Don’t start this shit with me again, Chase. We’ve discussed this.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m fucking fine with it. You think I haven’t noticed you checking the time all goddamn morning? You practically jumped out of our bed to get dolled up to meet that fuckwad.”

Fuming, I jab my manicured finger into Chase’s chest. “Listen here, you knuckle-dragging cave dweller. This is how I always dress, and you know it. I don’tdoll upfor no man. Checking the time has nothing to do with seeing Trent, and everything to do with my anxiety. I told you last night in the damn pool, I was nervous about today. Or have you forgotten what we discussed because all the blood in your head was draining into your penis?”

Punk covers his smile with his fist. “Did you two fuck in the open? Priss, I’m impressed. Didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Shut up, Punk,” Chase and I snap in unison.

He laughs harder. “That’s not a denial.”

As much as I’d like to slap the smile off Punk’s pretty boy face, my anger is for Chase.

Chase doesn’t appear to be any calmer after I dropped my hard truths. He’s glaring at me, his molars grinding on his clenched jaw. I don’t know what else to do, so I glower back. He’s being an asshat, and he knows it. To hell if I let him think his wild accusations hold an ounce of truth.

“Hey, Priss,” Punk interrupts our glower showdown. “Do your man a favor and just grab a coffee and bagel. It’ll appease his ornery ass. He wants you to eat. You can prove you’re not eager to see your ex-dick by grabbing food on the go.”