Page 59 of Engaging Opal

“Not true. Chase and Punk took that woman we met at the bar back to their room last night,” Atlas points out.

“That’s because they don’t care who they sink their dicks into. Surprised their peckers haven’t rotten away yet,” I joke, smirking.

Atlas snorts, slapping his knee. “They’re fuckboys, alright. But at least when you get home, you have a woman who is waiting for you. I’ll still need to find myself a pretty little thing that meets my standards. You’ve got yourself a good one there, bro.”

Annoyed, I glare at the passing landscape instead of Atlas. “I may have a good one, but that doesn’t mean I deserve her.”

I can feel Atlas scowling at my head. “What the fuck you rambling about? Not good enough for her? Gauge, you’re the best goddamn one out of the entire crew. Stop talking stupid.”

“It’s true,” I insist heatedly, turning my attention back to him. “I don’t fucking deserve her. Opal deserves a better man, someone worthy of her.”

Atlas’s expression is miffed. “Listen, I don’t know what the hell is going on in your head that’s making you think all crazy but knock it off. You’ve got a good thing going with Opal; don’t screw it up. Women as precious as her don’t pop out of the ground like fucking corn. You love her with everything you got.”

This from a man who doesn’t believe in finding a steady woman. The audacity of Atlas’s giving me relationship advice when he’s never held a single relationship makes me want to slap him upside his head. But I’m too tired to brawl with my best friend—thinking nonstop of how to say goodbye to Opal when I don’t want to let her go has been mentally draining.

“I don’t deserve her,” I mutter again, feeling his ridiculous words win out over my honor to do right by her.

“No, man does,” Atlas agrees before chuckling. “Count your blessings that she doesn’t have standards.”

I punch him in the shoulder for that well-deserved low blow, laughing when he needs to roll out his arm to ease the sting.

“Just don’t do anything stupid,” Atlas tells me.

“Atlas—” I try to argue, but get cut off.

“I mean it, Gauge. I love you, but you’re too thick in the head sometimes to see what a good thing you have going. Do I need to remind you that you brought Opal into the club as your own—claimed or not? You committed to do right by her, to support her and protect her. No woman picks up her life and follows a grumpy asshole like yourself just to be deserted when you can’t get out of your own head. Break her heart and you’ll be breaking a part of yourself too,” he warns.



“They’re here!” Ebony announces.

My heart flutters in my chest. Gauge is home.

Like a love-sick teenager, I sprint out the front door, my legs not moving nearly as fast as I want. Gauge climbs out of one of the massive Tahoe’s, hauling his oversized duffel bag. I can never get over how dang sexy he looks dressed in his black tactical clothing with his muscles straining against the material. With his overgrown brown hair curling in all directions and his typically well-groomed beard bushier than I’ve ever seen, he looks particularly swoon-worthy.

It’s been a long time apart, and I plan to make up for the lost time.

Gauge drops his bag right as I launch myself into his arms. I bury my face into the crook of his thick neck, inhaling his heady scent—a combination of sandalwood and man. His powerful arms lock around me, crushing me to him as he buries his face in my hair.

“Gorgeous,” he croons softly against my head. He slowly lowers me to my feet, cupping my face in his rough hands before gently pressing his lips to mine. It’s softer than how he normally kisses me, but it’s so damn tender, my heart skips with delight.

All too quickly, Gauge retreats. “I need to unload the gear.” He bends to grab his duffel bag, breezing past me toward the rental.

Baffled, I’m rooted to the spot, staring after him. It’s not that I didn’t love how he greeted me, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for more. Wishing he would have hauled me away to somewhere private where we could reconnect more intimately.

Honestly, I feel faintly slighted, like he’s trying to blow me off gently. But that makes little sense. Gauge isn’t like that with me. He peppers me with kisses and whispers filthy words in my ears. Something’s off.

Perhaps he’s exhausted after traveling thousands of miles. Surely, that must be it. What other reason could there be?

I turn back to the other brothers in time for Atlas to scoop me up in a big hug. He gives some of the best hugs. It’s like he’s squeezing warmth into you.

“There’s our precious Opal,” he says with a smile in his baritone voice, setting me back down. “How have you been?”

“Um, good. Glad you’re all back safe,” I say before looking over my shoulder in time to see Gauge disappearing inside of the rental. “Is everything okay with Gauge? He seemed…quiet.”

Atlas’s smile morphs into a scowl. “Don’t worry about his surly ass. He’ll be better when we settle in.” His smile returns as he wraps his arm around me, guiding me toward the garage. “Tell me how things havereallybeen since we left.”