Page 60 of Engaging Opal

How Atlas can read through all the facades never ceases to amaze me. “It’s had its moments,” I admit, biting my bottom lip.

Digging around in the garage fridge, Atlas pulls out two beers, handing me one. “Who was causing trouble?”

I don’t enjoy tattling, but Atlas knows I lie for crap. “It’s nothing,” I placate.

“Bullshit, Opal. You’re too sweet for your own good sometimes. Even as happy as you were to see Gauge, I could see you’ve been stressed.”

“I was stressed about you all working a dangerous job.”

Atlas takes a long pull from his beer, releasing a satisfied sigh. “Stop with the half-truths, Opal. Was Candy stirring the pot again?”

Dang.If Atlas was a dog, he’d be a bloodhound. He can sniff out anything.

Uncomfortable, I pick at the label on my beer bottle. “She may have said a few things to upset me,” I mumble before quickly following up with, “but don’t lay into her, okay? It’ll only make it worse the next time you guys leave for an assignment. I can handle it.”

Atlas raises a dark brow. “No one said you couldn’t, Opal. But even the thick-skinned can get worn down after time. Tell me what she’s been saying to upset you.”

It’s hopeless arguing with Atlas. He gets the information out of you, regardless. “Which part do you want to know? How she announced Gauge had sex with the bunnies? Or how he used to bring home other women he picked up at the bars to partake in wild sex parties? Or my favorite, how he sounds when he’s coming inside of her.”

Atlas’s nostrils flare. “Fucking hell.”

“Yeah,” I breathe. “It was a hard pill to swallow.”

Glowering, Atlas stands to his full height, casting a shadow over me. Normally, this would intimidate the living daylights out of me, but Atlas would never harm me. Though I’m slightly worried he may confront Candy. Wish I could learn to keep my thoughts to myself.

“We all have a past,” Atlas explains. “But that’s what it is—the past. You give him everything he needs and more. Trust me, he doesn’t miss his old life. He’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him in our entire friendship since you came into the picture.Ignorar los comentarios de la bruja.Candy’s words are the only venom she has left. Don’t let her sink her fangs in.”

Gauge walks into the garage with two large bags, hoisting them onto the bench. He eyes the two of us with a jaded look before opening one bag to remove tactical gear. “Nice of you to drink while the rest of us unload.”

“Get off your soapbox, asshole. The gear can wait,” Atlas jabs. “I wanted to say hello to my sister before you hogged her the rest of the night.” He shoves his beer into Gauge’s hand. “Knock one back and lighten the fuck up.” He gives me a parting wink before he exits the garage.

Cautiously, I approach Gauge, resting a hand on his hard bicep. He stiffens under my touch. “Is everything okay?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? Just walked in on my woman having a grand old time with my best friend, not bothering to follow me when I go inside,” Gauge sneers.

What in the world?I step back as if I was slapped. “You told me you had to unload. You seemed like you were more interested in putting gear away than talking to me. So, I was letting you get your work done. I thought you wanted me out of the way.”

“Well, I didn’t,” he grumbles, turning his back on me as he pulls more equipment out of the heavy canvas bags.

Uncertain what I did to make him this upset, I step closer. “I’m sorry, Gauge. I’m getting mixed signals. You hugged me, then told me you had to finish up work stuff. You get mad because I’m not doing what you want when you aren’t telling me what you want. And when I do what you want, you ignore me and go back to doing your work. What am I missing here? It’s gotta be a misunderstanding.”

Gauge curses under his breath before he whirls on me. “Why do I need to spell everything out for you? I’ve been gone three months. You were more interested in talking to Atlas than me.”

“Not true,” I protest. “I ran straight for you when I saw you were back. I’ve missed you so much. You stepped away—not me. Atlas just wanted to know why I looked upset.”

Gauge steps into my bubble, the veins in his neck standing out. “What was it that was bothering you that you had to share with Atlas?”

What has gotten into him?“It was Candy and all the intimate little details about you and her that she shared that I never asked to hear.”

Gauge’s eyes widen at my confession. He pauses for a heartbeat before his face twists into a grimace. “See, Opal. That’s the shit you talk to me about. Not Atlas or any of my other brothers. If you’re upset, you talk to me. And for Christ’s sake, why are you even listening to Candy? Yes, we used to fuck—get over it,” he snarls, his vivid eyes boring into mine with so much disdain.

Get over it? He says it like it’s easy. Believe me, if I could, I would erase ever knowing about his past relationships with the bunnies.

“But I am talking to you about what is upsetting me,” I hedge in a half-whisper, tears stinging the backs of my eyes. “I didn’t seek Atlas. The conversation happened by chance. Your lack of communication right now bothers me. I don’t know how my actions made you act like this toward me.”

Frankly, his reaction is over the top. This is uncharacteristic of Gauge’s typical behavior toward me. He’s so cold. This isn’t my sweet man; I hardly recognize him.

Something flashes in Gauge’s eyes—regret, sadness, I’m not sure. But then his emerald eyes tighten, pinching his brows together. “I don’t have time for your shit.”