Page 56 of Engaging Opal

Opal clings to me. “Please, be safe and come back to me.”

As much as I don’t want to be separated from her, the distance will be good for me. Get my head straight to return and do whatever I decide to do regarding our relationship.

Instead of promising anything, I take what precious time we have left, hold her in my arms, and cherish every second.



April 2020

It’s been over six weeks since most of the crew left for South America. We’ve entered spring here in Colorado. Aside from the nice weather, escaping outside is a huge plus, especially when it means I can avoid Candy.

I’m minding my business, sorting through my recipes when the other bunnies join me outside. Generally, I enjoy time with the girls, but Candy has been exceptionally cruel the longer the crew is away.

There’s not a minute in the day she doesn’t drag my and Gauge’s relationship through the mud. If Ebony is present, she puts a stop to it. Red, who is quiet as a mouse, has even spoken up a time or two. And then there’s me and my non-confrontational sorry butt, refusing to lash out. There are times I want to, but if I did, I’d be no better than Candy.

Ebony takes the Adirondack chair next to me, settling herself into the seat with a broad smile. “God, I’ve missed the sun. I love Colorado, but I miss the heat of the Arizona desert.”

Ebony is pretty sociable, but rarely talks about her past. “Is that where you’re from?”

“Yep,” she answers, popping the P. “Are you still working on your cookbook?”

I know a diversion when I see it. If Ebony doesn’t want to talk about her old life, I won’t push for more information. “Sort of. I was looking through my cake recipes. Punk’s birthday is coming up, and I thought it would be nice to make him a cake when he returns home.”

“Oh, oh, oh,” Ebony pipes up with excitement. “Make it big enough that I can jump out of it. Better yet, make it big enough we can all jump out.”

“In our birthday suits,” Red adds.

We throw our heads back, cackling like hyenas, everyone except Candy. She’s too busy glowering at the ground like it did her dirty.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but the oven isn’t big enough to bake a cake large enough for all of us, let alone one of us,” I apologize with a smile. “But it’s a great idea.”

Candy snorts. “It’s a stupid idea.”

Ebony gives Candy an irked expression. “What’s your deal?”

“My deal is Opal’s acting like she’s part of our bunny crew. Last I heard, she was claiming to be with Gauge. Doing special things for other men in the club—like making a birthday cake—is something we do, not a woman who claims to be exclusive. If she wants to be one of us, fine. But then she should stop hogging Gauge for herself.”

Having met my quota for taking Candy’s crap, I snap. “I’m the MC baker—birthday cakes are included. And stop bringing up my relationship with the VP. You need to accept Gauge is with me.”

Candy folds her arms across her chest, chocking an attitude. “Like you’ve accepted Gauge having slept with all of us?”

My face pales as my stomach sinks. Red and Ebony gape at Candy like she grew a third head.

I croak, “What?”

The bubble-gum-haired bitch smirks. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You didn’t know. Though it shouldn’t be a surprise to you. Gauge has a ravenous sexual appetite.”

Ebony whips off her glasses, sitting forward in her chair to glare at her friend. “Candy, shut up.”

“Why the fuck should I, Eb? I don’t know why you or Red are onboard with this chick coming into our scene.” Candy turns her attention back on me. “Gauge was a hell of a lot more willing to fuck around ‘till you had to domesticate him. He was this insatiable beast who would screw any of us wherever he damn well pleased, sometimes taking two of us at the same time or bringing a bar bitch home to join the orgy. And it was a damn good time every time he sunk into you. He’d give you so many orgasms you would feel him inside of you days after.”

Surprised by her brashness, I can do nothing but stare at her.

Seeing the duress on my face, she smiles her trademark cruel smirk—she’s far from done. “Gauge’s O-face is the sexiest sight, don’t you think, Opal? How his brows pull together like he’s trying to solve a complicated math equation. His mouth falls open, and his head tips back to expose the sweat rolling down his thick neck. Those guttural sounds he makes in the back of his throat when he releases are my favorite soundtrack. Just thinking about it gets anyone wet between the thighs.”

My gut twists. Every intimate description Candy is spewing is accurate. She’s been with him enough to have memorized his features in one of his most vulnerable moments.