Page 55 of Engaging Opal

Oh, thank fuck.Maybe it’s my subconscious looking for an out, but I’m not ready to end things, at least not today.

“Give me a minute,” I tell Punk. He retreats, but I know he’ll be back if I take too long. Something major has happened and it can’t wait.

“Come here, baby. Let me love you before work pulls me away.” I bring Opal in for a long kiss, pouring all of my heart into her. I pull away and head into the garage.

“About time,” Atlas snaps, motioning for me to take my place beside him. He seems tense, and there’s only one person who makes him tense.

Once I’m at his side, he addresses the rest of the crew. “About an hour ago, Chase received a call from the National Security of Colombia. They’ve hired our crew as mercenaries. The assignment is to eliminate Martin Diaz—Esteban Moreno’s head enforcer. Diaz has been attacking the families of several Colombian government officials, killing the wife of one and the adult children of another. The pay is three million, with an additional hundred thousand per head on anyone assisting him.”

Shit.Esteban, the Colombian drug lord who murdered Atlas’s parents.

Reaper raises his beefy hand. “Who’s all going, Prez?”

“Everyone except Ziggy, Butch, and Stage. Ziggy will control tech from home, while Butch and Stage handle security on-site for the women,” Atlas answers. “Darnel said he’ll come and offer relief on the weekends until our return.”

“How long are we looking at?” Triple asks from the back of the garage.

“However long it takes to get the job done,” Atlas replies. “Colombia’s National Security is footing the bill, so there’s no expense for us. They’ll provide weapons and transportation once we touch down in the country. We either find the fucker, or we walk away without a paycheck.”

“Are we killing him at first sight?” Brass asks.

All eyes focus on Atlas.

“The contract is to kill on sight,” Atlas informs the crew, everyone sensing abut. “However, if we can take Diaz without having to put him down, that’s what we do. We’ll interrogate him for any intel on Esteban before finishing the job and handing his corpse over to the Colombian government.”

The room murmurs. Suppose this mission can help us gain answers regarding Esteban’s location. In that case, it’ll be the icing on top of the big payday.

“Pack your shit. We leave within the hour,” Atlas orders. “Meeting adjourned.”

We all return with, “HOOYAH!”

Atlas turns to me, his face softening as much as his mean mug will ever be. “Go get all your love from your woman. I expect this to be a long mission.”

Shit.I may have been contemplating ending things with Opal a few minutes ago, but being away from her for an extended time is not what I want at all. It must be my heart’s way of talking me out of breaking up with Opal, but I’m grateful for the excuse. I wasn’t ready to tell her goodbye…not sure if I’ll ever be.

Dashing inside, I make my way to the bunkroom. I find her in the room, unpacking our bags. In one quick movement, I yank the clothes from her hands, tossing them on the floor before taking her into my arms.

Opal’s light-blue eyes stare into mine, trying to understand what’s happening.

My hands cup her face, my eyes tracing every facet, memorizing all of her beauty.

Opal observes me, her chest rising and falling. “Gauge?”

Carefully, so carefully, I press my lips to hers before I devour her. Opal melts under my touch, molding around me like she does when I make love to her mouth.

“Opal,” I breathe between kisses. “I have to leave. Butch, Stage, and Ziggy will be here. You go to them if you need anything. Okay?”

“Okay, but how long will you be gone?”

“I don’t know.”


“I can’t say.”

“Will it be dangerous?”

I say nothing because denying it would be a lie. Answering honestly will make her worry all the more.