Page 128 of Engaging Opal

“Nu-uh,” Punk taunts, wagging a finger.

Atlas slowly approaches my right. “Go,” he whispers, urging me to leave before I change my mind. “I’ve got this.” His eyes hold mine, a silent understanding passing between us.

Holstering my Glock, I take Opal’s hand, turning us back in the bungalow’s direction.

“Olina!” Levi wails, panic laced in his voice.

Her back stiffens. Without looking back at Levi, she says, “Olina’s dead.”

With her hand in mine, we move at a steady jog. I don’t know how much time we have, but the urgency to get Opal away from here is causing adrenaline to course through my veins once more.

It seems like forever before we come out to the clearing near the empty house. We jog to the SUV, where I all but hoist her inside with how frantic I feel. I need to get us out of here before charging back into the woods and finishing Levi off the way I intended.

Inside the vehicle, I quickly assess my woman. Taking her face in my hands, I let out a heavy sigh. Opal is bruised, dirty, and cut up from stumbling through the rugged terrain, but she’s safe here in my arms where she belongs. I kiss her hard, my mouth feverish.

There are no words to describe my relief. Minutes ago, I was ready to lay myself on the line for Opal, to fall on the sword to protect her. Had my brothers not come along when they had, Opal would have seen a dark side of me that no angel should ever witness.

Did I want Levi’s head? Yes. But I need Opal more. I won’t jeopardize our future. My brothers will avenge my woman, and I’ll remain her noble knight.

Before I lose myself in her love, I pull my lips away and start the SUV. I do everything I can to not peel out of the driveway like a maniac. My foot hits the gas as soon as the tires hit the road. Too low for my precious woman’s ears to catch, but to a trained spotter of a sniper, the distinctive pop of a gun sounding in the distance is louder than the roar of the engine.



Levi stands rooted to the earth, watching Olina slip away into the darkness with the fucking biker as her guide. His heart splinters as her figure becomes smaller the further she retreats, out of the forest and out of his life.

There’s no way this is happening. Olina wouldn’t leave him alone in the hands of ruthless men. That’s not his girl walking away from him, but someone else, someone bolder who has no more fucks to give.

The woman named Opal claimed Olina was dead, and Levi is realizing her words are truth. The woman he loved is no more. His obsession has chosen someone else, someone lowly, someone who is not him.

It feels like he’s been gutted, his insides spilling around him, causing pain and heartbreak to course through his body. There is no anger. Only sorrow remains. Everything he loved was gone with nothing left to comfort him into the next life.

With her out of his reach, Levi knows he’s at the end of his line. There’s no remorse for the physical and emotional pain he caused Olina. Just like this Opal has no remorse for what’s coming for him.

Someone next to him shuffles, drawing his attention back to reality. An unfamiliar emotion arises, one Levi is not accustomed to.

Fear is an unpleasant feeling filled with anticipation of pain and threat.

There will be pain. Levi is certain of it. The question of how much only increases his anxiety.

“You’ve got some nerve,” a cool voice drawls.

Levi dares a quick glance at who is speaking. He quickly looks away once he sees it’s the club’s president.Atlas,he recalls. The colossal man looks like he would snap Levi’s neck if he were to make direct eye contact.

Atlas jabs, “Did you honestly think you could come after my brother and his woman and not expect retaliation?”

Levi grimaces. Being reminded Olina is lost to him, he lashes out. “She was never his to have.”

“WRONG!” he thunders. “She was NEVER fucking YOURS.”

Levi shrinks in on himself, aware he’s not in a position to argue. The pain of his loss surfaces. “I love her.”

Another biker pulls his Glock from his holster. “The fuck you say? Don’t be confusing your sick perversions for love.”

The biker goes to lift his gun, but Atlas puts his hand over his, lowering it to the ground. “Easy, Flay.” The two men stare at each other like they’re reading each other’s minds.

With a snarl, Flay backs away, but Levi’s working with a minefield of live bombs. Any of the bikers could lose their cool at any point and get trigger-happy. Worried, he breaks out into a cold sweat.