Page 129 of Engaging Opal

Levi’s composure is wearing thin, knowing any minute his next breath might be his last.

The leader meanders toward Levi, making him shuffle anxiously. Atlas wants Levi scared. Real fucking scared. And it’s working. Levi is more intimidated than he has ever felt before in his life.

Atlas gets in his face, his hot breath bouncing off Levi’s clammy skin. “You call us dirty, but you touched a child, stealing her innocence. You’re the worst kind of filth. Men like you deserve to suffer.”

Levi quivers, his breath coming out faster. “I never saw her as a child,” he stammers weakly.

“Famous last words of every pedophile,” the largest biker hisses, stepping closer to Levi’s side.

“Man, would I love to break you. Tear you apart, limb from limb,” Atlas snarls with intent.

“Mmm. To feel his bones snap under our fingers,” another brute adds as he approaches Levi’s other side, eyeing him up like a punching bag he’s ready to demolish.

Three more bikers push up behind Levi, ready to take their own pound of flesh.

He’s surrounded. What do they plan to do to him?

“Unfortunately, I made a promise to Opal not to spill your blood.” A low chuckle rumbles from Atlas’s throat. “Guess that means we’ll leave thetearingto your inmates on the cell block.”

Levi stills. He looks up at the leader as dread swamps his body, catching on to the vicious meaning behind the man’s words.

A biker with several facial piercings and long hair bites his pierced lip, looking Levi up and down with heated eyes. “Fuck, but I wish I could be there to witness that. Watching them rip your ass apart the moment the guards turn their backs.”

“’Cause you know it’s going to happen. Those boysloooveto get a hold of virgin assholes, especially when you’re a pedo and a cop,” a bald biker adds with a sadistic giggle.

“And a pretty boy,” the long-haired biker adds on with a smirk. “They love the pretty ones.”

Levi’s resolve slips as he feels the back of his eyes stinging with tears. His nerves are haywire as he pictures himself being raped by other prisoners.

“Then you’ll get a taste of what you put our MC lady through,” another burly biker exclaims, coming up beside Levi to join the torture party.

Flay smirks. “A taste? Nah, man. He’s going to have a lifetime of that shit. The doctors will stitch him up, sending him back out where they’ll rip him open again and again.”

The mental head game finally causes Levi to snap. Sharp sobs claw raggedly from his throat, his body shaking with fear. This is not the fate he wants for himself, to be at the mercy of others who will hurt him until his dying breath.

The biker with long hair gives an amused snort. “Damn, he broke fast.”

Atlas motions for the bald biker to kick Levi’s gun over. The biker tosses it over with the toe of his boot where it lands between Levi and Atlas.

“Pick it up,” Atlas orders.

Levi dares not disobey. Trembling, he retrieves his gun. The bikers train their weapons on him.

“Don’t get any funny ideas of cowboying your ass out of here,” Atlas warns.

Levi gives a curt nod, understanding he doesn’t stand a chance of escaping.

“You have one opportunity to save yourself from a living hell, Levi.” Atlas motions for Levi to move up the trail, further into the wilderness. “March.”

Levi turns, gripping his Glock in his quivering fist. They have shown him a sliver of grace, a way out of the hell he would face when brought to justice.

The crew goes to follow, but Atlas holds up his hand. Being a fed, Levi understands what he’s doing. The fewer footprints tracked, the less likely the police can pin the crime on the MC.

“Disperse in small groups. Go in different directions back to headquarters.” Atlas doesn’t wait for them to go. Instead, he pushes his gun into Levi’s back to nudge him along.

Levi continues to cry the deeper they move into the woods. Reality is a real bitch to face, but Levi would rather face this than become someone’s bitch in prison. It’s a mercy killing, really. Better than he expected.

After a short time, Atlas stops him. “This will do.”