Page 110 of Engaging Opal


After the craziness of yesterday has settled, I’m itching to take a long ride on my hog for my birthday. The weather is cooperating, and the roads are clear of ice. I asked Opal if she wanted to join me. However, she’s eager to plan our wedding, going full force with gathering ideas from Pinterest.

There was no way I was going to stop her. I want to get married sooner rather than later, so if I have to ride without her on my birthday, so be it.

Being in an MC comes with precautions. One rule being a member doesn’t ride alone if he can help it. I have my pick of brothers to choose from, but there’s only one other person I want to join me. With the twins’ arrival on the horizon, Atlas needs it as much as I do.

It’s noon when I finally get ready for the day. I’m not an earlier riser—I did my early rising in my Navy days. But this is late, even for me. A hard night of partying will do that to you, and we had plenty to celebrate yesterday with our engagement.

Opal and I walk arm-in-arm down the gravel road over to Jo and Atlas’s mid-century modern house on the compound. Opal hurries inside, eager to go over wedding plans with Jo. At the same time, I help Atlas in the driveway with his latest conundrum—car seats.

Atlas holds up one of the baby seats, scrutinizing it. “How the fuck do these things work?”

Scratching my head, I fumble with the other car seat inside his SUV. “Where’s Tank? He comes from a big mafioso family. I bet he knows how to install these things.”

Atlas gives me an annoyed eye roll. “He’s spending time with Eb.”

My eyebrows lift in surprise. Tank has been trying to pin down Ebony since he arrived at the club, and Ebony has been hesitant to give him a chance. “Things are heating up between those two.”

“Appears that way,” Atlas mutters as he struggles to level the car seat on the other side of the SUV. “I need these things installed before the babies come. Everything needs to be safe for my boys.”

The two of us spend the next hour cursing until we’ve secured the damn contraptions.

Atlas and I make our way over to the mechanic’s garage where Eagle and Stage have been tuning the bikes. The four of us are shooting the shit when all our cells ring simultaneously. Chase is alerting the entire crew. This can’t be good news.

Atlas answers, putting it on speaker. “What is it, Chase?”

“Feds are at the front gate asking to speak to Gauge,” he spits. “I asked what this is about, but they refuse to answer my questions. This doesn’t feel right, Prez.”

“Reach out to Detective Luke Quire at the station. Find out what this is all about,” Atlas orders. “Call our contacts at the FBI if he has no answers.”

“Butch already did. Luke is with the feds. He’s instructing us to cooperate,” Chase answers.

None of this makes sense. A sinking feeling settles in my gut, twisting it into a tight knot.

Atlas’s face darkens. “Do they have a warrant?”

“No. They’re hoping Gauge will come with them to the station willingly.”

My brothers shake their heads. I’ve done nothing wrong, but there’s not a doubt in my head they’ll return with a warrant if I refuse. The compound is sacred ground. We can’t be letting the FBI roam around inside. We work together from time to time, yet we aren’t friends by any means.

Besides, Opal—a missing person—is here.

“I’ll go with them, Atlas.”

“The fuck you will, VP,” he snaps. “No way will I allow them to cart my brother in a squad to the police station. We ride in.”

I give a stiff nod, grateful to have him with me. As usual, I show nothing on the surface, but I’m slowly filling with dread. Whatever has happened, it’s not good. How it ties to me is anyone’s guess.

“Call our lawyer,” Atlas tells Chase. “Have Dave meet us at the station in fifteen. Tell the cops the same. Send Punk and Reaper over to my house to watch over our old ladies.”

“On it,” Chase says before disconnecting.

My best friend gives me a hard stare down, pointing a finger at me. “Don’t say a damn thing until you speak to Dave.”

“I know what to do, Atlas.”

“Of course, you do. But keep your mouth shut, anyway. Let Dave handle the rest. Someone is out to get you and I won’t let it happen.” He turns to Eagle and Stage. “Until we know what is going on, get everyone on lockdown. Is that clear?”