Page 109 of Engaging Opal

He waves me over to the bank of windows where he stands. He points to the sky outside. “It’s a Fire Rainbow.”

“No way!” I smash my face against the glass to get a better look at the rare optical phenomenon. I’ve heard about the ice halos, but I’d never seen one before. The colored flame is beautiful. It’s like mother nature gave me a special birthday gift.

“Gorgeous,” Gauge drawls sweetly, whispering in my ear. “Let’s go outside to get a better look.”

Worried, I look out the windows. The sun is shining with a gentle breeze swaying the treetops. Inviting, but is it safe?

Gauge takes my face in his hands. “You’re with me. He ain’t coming anywhere near you. Okay?”

Hesitantly, I follow Gauge outside to the sunny, stone-paved patio. It feels good to be out in the fresh air, although I’d be lying if I said I’m comfortable. My nerves have me looking over my shoulder, scanning the area for Levi.

Gauge squeezes my hand. “I’ve got you.”

“What if he’s watching?”

The wild glint in his stunning green eyes makes me think he would kill for an opportunity to have Levi within his grasp. “Doubtful. He’d be an idiot to get too close. Chase’s team would have him on surveillance, and we’d be all over him. If he’s scouting, he’s doing it from a distance. But on the off chance he’s watching, then he’ll see you’re mine.”

I relax, assured Levi is unlikely spying on me.

We walk hand-in-hand to the rock wall overlooking the property, virtually untouched in its feral glory. Nature grows wild around the back of the compound, with only a couple of cleared patches where the MC will build future structures. The Rockies make a beautiful backdrop to this landscape. But the most breathtaking view is the one above our heads. The rainbow reflects a vibrant array of colors, more colorful than the average rainbow.

Engrossed in the rugged beauty of nature, I’m only vaguely aware of Gauge pacing anxiously beside me. I’m about to ask him what’s wrong when he suddenly kneels. I cock my head to the side, watching him switch from his left knee to his right and back again to his left. He mutters something under his breath, too low for me to make out the words.

Curiously, I watch as he pats his pants’ pockets, his face steeled in concentration.

“Is everything okay, Gauge?”

“Hmm? Uh, yeah,” he stammers as his hands move up to his leather cut. He digs around the inside pocket of his vest, finding whatever it is he was searching for. His face transforms into a giant, crooked grin as he takes my left hand in his. “Everything will be perfect if you’ll agree to be my wife.”


Gauge holds up a beautiful oval-shaped opal ring in his free hand.

Where the blazes did that come from? How long has he been planning this?

Speechless, I turn my attention from the ring back to his handsome face. My heart is jackhammering against my ribs to the point it might crack through.

He smiles wider, his emerald eyes sparkling with so much adoration I may swoon. “Marry me, Gorgeous. I need you to be mine in every way imaginable. Please, Opal, say yes.”

The tears come before my brain catches up to answer. “Oh, my goodness, YES!”

Gauge springs to his feet, snatching me up in his massive arms. He swings me around like a ragdoll, both of us laughing. His warm lips are on mine, laying claim on what is rightfully his.

When he finally puts me back on my feet to slip the dazzling ring on my left ring finger, he kisses me again, but gentler. “You’ve made me so damn happy, baby. I love you.”

“Love you too,” I giggle, wrapping my arms around his muscled torso.

I could stay in this moment forever, encased in Gauge’s love, content in a state of peace and happiness. But our alone time is cut short when Gauge snorts with amusement. “We’ve got company.”

My eyes follow his to the wall of windows looking into the living room. Our entire family is plastered against the glass, eyes boggling. Their anticipation has the glass humming with energy.

Laughing, I raise my hand to show off our engagement. The windows are soundproof, but it’s not enough to muffle out the crew’s enthusiastic cheers. They holler and bounce around, excited for us. The doors open, and the family spills out on the patio, rushing us. We’re hugged and kissed, passed around to each member to get equal attention.

When Gauge finally gets a hold of me again, he clutches onto me tightly, showing without words that he has no intention of ever letting me go. If there ever was a sign to show me Gauge is with me for better or worse, this is it.

Today, we celebrate our future.