Page 131 of Engaging Opal

She yawns, burrowing into my side, her eyes already shut. “Good.” She asks no more. My pixie never judges me for going vigilante. “I love you, Maceo.”

“You’re my heart, my soul, my world—always.”



August 2021

Two months have passed since I last saw Levi. That night, Gauge drove us back to headquarters, stripping us both before pulling me into bed, tucking the covers around us. We slept in each other’s arms, relieved we were alive and together.

When I saw Atlas the next morning, he smiled, making small talk, as if nothing had happened the evening before. The crew went about their business as usual. The MC women made plans to go shopping. Everything was…normal.

When the police hadn’t called by that afternoon, I knew something had transpired. Gauge and Atlas exchanged heavy looks throughout the day, but it wasn’t until I flat out asked what happened that Gauge finally relented and told me.

Apparently, Levi was unwilling to go to jail for his crimes, using his gun to end his life right there in the woods. It felt too convenient to be the truth, but Atlas assured me that when given a choice between prison or suicide, Levi picked the latter. Some people would rather face death than face judgment.

The bungalow owners returned from their vacation a week later, finding a stolen Mazda in their driveway filled with the belongings of FBI Special Agent Levi Grayson. A search party discovered Levi’s lifeless body a mile into the Rocky Mountain National Park with a single self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

Cops pulled evidence from his laptop, broadcasting his obsession with me from the age of fourteen on. A single voice recording of his one-sentence confession to Shelly’s murder magically appeared on his laptop. I’m sure Chase had something to do with it, but he’ll never admit it.

“If I hadn’t already killed Shelly, I’d fucking do it all over again, but slower.”It was the only evidence the FBI needed to close my mother’s murder case. Mercy Ravens are no longer in danger from Levi.

Some people weep with joy at hearing their abuser is dead. I felt profound and immediate relief. I then slept for a solid twenty-four hours. Without the stress of Levi weighing down on me, my body finally relaxed. When I woke up, I felt ready to tackle the rest of my life, starting with planning a wedding in record time.

The theme? Rainbows, of course.

The groomsmen wore the same gray suits from Jo and Atlas’s wedding, but the bridal party was a kaleidoscope of color with Jo in red, Simone in orange, Ebony in yellow, Candy in green, and Red in blue. Jared wasn’t thrilled about wearing a purple suit, so we agreed he could wear a purple dress shirt under his gray suit.

My dress was a sleeveless, bell-shaped satin gown with a plunging V-neck. It was so billowy—I felt like a cloud floating down the aisle to my gallant biker standing firm with his hand held out for me to have and to hold.

Our vows were short and sweet on purpose, eager for Tank to announce us as husband and wife.

After Gauge and I share our first kiss as a married couple, he’s racing us down the aisle of the patio back inside headquarters. I must not be moving fast enough in my heels because Gauge throws me over his shoulders like a bag of rice, hauling ass upstairs to our suite.

“Gauge,” I laugh as he sets me back on my feet, dropping to his knees to hike up the skirt of my dress. “We can’t be doing this now. We have photos and a wedding feast waiting for us.”

“We’re the stars of the show. They won’t start without us,” he rasps excitedly before finding me under all the layers of material. He groans when he discovers I’m wearing new peach-colored lace bikini panties. After Jo’s panty-less debacle at her wedding, I felt it best to wear them at ours. I’m not sure if his groan is one of complaint or content since he’s well aware of the panty-less incident.

He looks up at me with his deep green eyes hooded with lust. “Mmm. Peach. My favorite.” He attacks my clit through the thin fabric with his warm tongue.

I squeal with delight, unable to hold back my yearning. The throb in my core intensifies, making me needy for relief. But I recall I have something for him.

“Wait. I want to give you your gift.”

“You are my gift,” he mumbles against my sex, sucking on my clit through my panties.

I force his head away with my hands. He stands, growling when I scurry into the bathroom. “You better be stripping in there,wife.”

Oh, the possession in that single word turns my inside to molten.

A second later, I pop back out, placing his gift in his hands. Gauge stares at the stick showcasing two pink lines for a solid minute before it dawns on him what it means. He grabs me by the shoulders, the whites of his green eyes growing red with tears.

“Are you really?”

“Yes, really,” I say with the happiest of smiles.

Gauge drops to his knees, his arms wrapping around my waist. He buries his face into my dress. His emotions bring out mine. I’m fanning my face to stop my makeup from streaking when Gauge jumps to his feet to plant a deep kiss on my lips.