Page 130 of Engaging Opal

Levi chokes on a sob. Fate has come for him, but he hesitates. What awaits him on the other side? Is it like what religious texts claim—heaven or hell? Is there anything at all?

His stalling infuriates Atlas. “Either you do it, or I haul you to the authorities. I don’t give a fuck.”

Levi takes shuddering, rapid breaths as he works up the nerve to end his life. When he points the gun to his head, he stares up at the sky above the tree canopy. One last look at the world before his life ends.

He pulls the trigger…



Out of courtesy for Opal, I waited until she and Gauge were out of earshot. The child-raping scumbag was going to kill my best friend before running away with his old lady. God only knows the hell he had in store for Opal once he got her alone. Some things don’t deserve a pass.

Gauge wanted him dead, and I didn’t blame him. The look he gave me as he left with Opal was a request to bring down hellfire. He’s my brother—I won’t deny him. I know what it feels like to have the woman you love at risk of being taken or hurt. I lived it three times over.

We tried going the legal route, and the slippery snake escaped. There’s no way I trust the system not to fuck up again.

My original plan was to make Levi’s death look like an accident. It wasn’t until I looked around at my brothers and my eyes landed on Flay that a new plan took root. He was glaring murderously at Levi, ready to stick him with his knife and cut away the evil living inside of him. Flay has always had a soft spot for Opal. Then again, who doesn’t—she’s a jewel of a woman with the grace of a saint. For hardened men like us, that’s a treasure worth protecting.

As I stared at Flay, it reminded me of a time he served justice without lifting a finger. My pixie was abducted by her piece of shit ex—Jacob. He nearly raped Jo, battering her body with his hands. Flay set up a panicked scenario, causing Jacob to take off running toward the cops with a knife in his hand. Cops opened fire killing Jacob on the spot.

I took a page out of my brother’s book, settling the problem without going against Opal’s wishes. All I needed to do was set the scene. Levi’s unhinged emotions would take care of the rest.

Instilling fear into Levi about his future behind bars was easy. It’s ironic how it was okay for him to hurt Opal in inexcusable ways, but when the tables were turned, he would rather kill himself then suffer a similar fate.

I didn’t look away when Levi pointed the gun to his head. He pulled the trigger, the gunshot renting through the stillness of the woods only to be drowned out by the wind. His body slumped to the ground, sprawled at an unnatural angle. I flashed my light from my phone over Levi’s body, not daring to get closer to the crime scene. I stayed put, waiting ‘till the color of his eyes faded to gray.

It has ended.

Soundlessly, I make my way back to the clearing where we parked our hogs. Everyone has left as I ordered. Everyone except for Chase and Punk. They lean against their bikes, waiting for me and munching away. Are they eating cookies?

“Where the fuck did you get the treats.” I want one after the bullshit I went through tonight.

Chase points back at the bungalow. “Opal’s delivery. The guys picked up the rest. No evidence left behind. Keep it clean, like you say.”

Annoyed I won’t get a dessert for my hard work, I glower. “I thought I told you guys to head home.”

“Mercy Ravens don’t ride alone,” Punk throws back, popping the last of his cookie into his mouth.

Fair enough. Unable to hide my smirk, I slap them on their backs as I walk to my bike. “Then let’s ride, brothers.”

* * *

It’s late when I walk through the door of my serene home. Hades must have heard me coming because he greets me at the garage door with shining gold eyes offset against his black velvet fur. He rubs his enormous head against my leg as I scratch behind his cropped ears.

“You’ve been guardingmis bebés y mi mujer, haven’t you?Mi buen chico.”

Hades snorts his yes.

Silently, I walk to the nursery. I open the door and find Runt laying on the floor between the twins’ cribs, guarding my little men even in their sleep. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in fierceness.

As gently as I can manage, I lay a delicate kiss on each of their precious crowns of thick, black hair. I make sure their monitor is on before heading to my woman. Upon entering the master suite, I palm my chest where my heart falls in sync with hers. My beautiful pixie slumbers peacefully, knowing her man is here to watch over her.

Soundlessly, I strip before slipping beneath the covers. Her scantily clad body awaits my warmth. It’s not until my arms slip around her petite frame to pull her against me does she wake. Coastal blue eyes stare sleepily at me, filled with so much affection, I melt against her.

“Is it finished?”
