Page 100 of Lips On My Heart

Chapter Sixteen


Iswear to God, I’m going to spank her ass ‘till it’s beet red. Her fucking challenging me,ugh! Taking on Jacob by using herself as bait, and fucking schooling me in front of my brothers on how to reel the fucker in, has got me pissed off to the point I see red.

I’m both livid and turned on. Angry she would want to use herself as a pawn in the take-down-Jacob scheme, and riled up with need over how fucking cunning she is.

My pixie is like a fucking black widow and I love it—enticing her prey and then trapping them. She reminds me of Stage that way. He has the name for a reason. He can set a trap up to capture perps better than anyone on our crew.

But I can’t let her know this. I can’t let her think I’m on board with this hare-brained idea of taking him down by throwing a mock wedding, because I sure as shit am not on board.

“Are you fucking crazy?” I shout before thinking.

Josephine’s nostrils flare. “I’m not crazy, you alpha asshole. This is a perfect ambush.”

Feeling a migraine coming on, I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Think about it. We have Chase put on the Mercy Ravens Security website how the prez will be marrying on a planned date, at a planned location. If he’s cyber stalking us like we assume, our names will come up with all the details. Hell, we can say we’re getting married at the courthouse and have the whole police force there,” Josephine explains. Excitement gleams in her coastal eyes, the kind of excitement she reserves for the bedroom.

Is she getting turned on by this? Fuck, I think she is.Seeing Josephine get aroused over taking down her ex is enticing as hell. I will my cock down to half-mast.Now is not the time to lead with my dick.

“I don’t want to think about it,” I spit through my teeth. “Pixie, I’m not okay with pissing him off more and having him snap. You can plan everything, but it doesn’t mean shit will go down the way you want.”

“I hate to admit it, but it’s not a bad idea,” Gauge says to me.

Motherfucker!“Go suck a bag of dicks, Gauge! You telling me you’d be on board with this shit if it was Opal who was sticking her neck out?”

Gauge’s green eyes go nearly black. He hates when I publicly point out that Opal and him are a thing. Well, tough shit! He needs to get over that hang-up and see how when you love someone you don’t gamble with their life. And it’s exactly why I’m not willing to mess with Josephine’s.

Chase tries to justify Josephine’s reasoning. “Now wait a sec. Jo could be onto something here. The fucker will definitely want to stop your marriage. We’ll be there as security. You will be with Jo. The police will be right there to make an arrest. You know his desperate ass is going to come with a weapon. The fucker will get thrown away in jail for a long time if he walks into the courthouse with it. This might be the best way to get him put away.”

“The best way to deal with him is putting a bullet in his head,” I snap.

“Well, we can have that arranged if you want to get your hands dirty,” Gauge says in all seriousness. Gauge thinks like me on how to deal with problem people. I know he would be there with a shovel if I tried to take matters into my own hands.

The idea of ending Jacob’s life and putting him in a hole to rot is very tempting, and growing more so the longer I think about it. I have a silent exchange with my closest brothers. All three of them nod in agreement.

Punk gives a vile smile. “Fuck yeah! Let’s put this bastard down.”

“Nobody is killing anybody,” Josephine protests with alarm.

“Dammit Punk!” I bark. Chase and Gauge groan in agreement. The kid never knows when to keep shit on the down-low.

Josephine gives me a pointed look. “You need to look at it from a third party point of view. You know if this involved anyone else, you’d be all over my idea.”

“But it’s not anybody else. It’s you! I’m sorry if I fucking care too much to put you at risk, but it’s the way it is, so deal with it,” I fume.

Why the hell is she pushing on this? I’m trying to keep her fucking safe and unharmed.

“Remember what you told me after Esteban confronted me? You said it was time to stop doing defense and go on the offense, which is exactly what we need to do now. Your words, not mine. So either what you said is true or it isn’t. Which is it?” Josephine challenges.

Fucking hell!Frustrated, I roar and flip one of the work benches. Hades cowers behind Chase, making me feel awful, but not bad enough to apologize to him right now with the state I’m in.

How the hell am I being outnumbered right now?It’s a fucking mutiny!And Josephine throwing my own words in my face, pisses me off like nobody’s business.

Josephine grabs me by the arm and yanks me from the garage. I go with her because I follow her everywhere like an eager puppy, because I do everything and anything for her, including when I’m fucking boiling over with rage.

In the backyard, Josephine spins on me. “You need to calm down.”