Page 101 of Lips On My Heart

“I am fucking calm!” I snarl like the beast I am.

“Your actions speak otherwise!” she shouts.

Oh man, my woman is peeving me off to high hell. How the fuck can I argue my point to show her reason?

I run my hands over my face. “Pixie, you freaked out on me when I told you I would put my life on the line for you. How the fuck should I feel knowing you want to do the same for me?”

“You told me I needed to trust you and you promised me you wouldn’t die. Idotrust you, Maceo. Now I’m asking the same from you. You need to trust me on this. I promise you nothing will happen to me,” she states firmly.

I feel my resolve slipping and it freaks me the fuck out. Does she not understand what she’s asking of me? Does she not see how much this goes against what I feel is best?

No, she doesn’t and I’m incapable of refusing her.

“Baby, please don’t make me do this,” I beg. I don’t beg, ever. This woman has me wrapped around her finger. I’d fucking bend over backward like a contortionist for her.

Josephine’s eyes go soft and she reaches up to cup my face. “It’s going to be okay, Maceo, I promise.”

My eyes squeeze shut and I fall to my knees at her feet, wrapping my arms around her wispy frame. I hate myself for what I’m about to agree to, what I’m about to order.

“Okay. I’ll trust you.”

* * *

My happy-go-lucky demeanor has fucking evaporated since agreeing to entice Jacob into an attack. I’m in ‘full alpha asshole mode’ again, according to Josephine. I don’t give a shit if I am. Regardless if I’m on board with this operation, I’m not happy about it.

After a week of strategic planning, we’ve finally agreed as a crew how to handle this monster. Chase posts a news update on our website informing readers the club president will be marrying Miss Josephine Holland in two weeks time in a civil union ceremony at the court-house here in Fort Collins.

Punk notifies local law enforcement there may be an issue with Jacob Klein acting out during our wedding. Luke will be present along with several of his men. If Jacob tries to pull anything, they will be there ready to make the arrest.

Chase was right about helping our image with uploading all the personal shit about me getting engaged. We’re getting more requests for jobs and having a hard time passing. Thankfully, most are local recon jobs or at least in the state, and only require three to four guys per job.

Unfortunately, this means we’re asking Lorenzo’s men to play guard duty at the job site way more than I’m comfortable with. Granted, they’re more worried about Esteban moving in on their territory than the threat Jacob is imposing on Josephine, but Lorenzo is willing to offer more to assist anyway. I’m firm on keeping their involvement to a minimum. It’s bad enough seeing Lorenzo himself dropping by my property to check out my woman.

Fucking hate that fucker in his fucking tailored suits.Ugh!I want to throat punch him every time he tries to talk to my pixie. I already broke the sleazeball’s nose for propositioning a date from her. Luke was able to talk Lorenzo out of pressing charges, stating I was protecting my woman from a potential stalker. Lorenzo didn’t want Josephine thinking he was a threat, so he backed off. But still he hangs around like a bad cold you can’t shake. Fortunately, Josephine is too busy to pay him any notice.

Josephine is in micromanager form and is too preoccupied with completing the project, so I’ve recruited Opal to keep Josephine on track. Sham wedding or not, we still need to keep up appearances, meaning doing some actual wedding stuff, like finding a wedding dress and picking out flowers. Opal comes to the build site and drags my bride-to-be away, giving her construction crew a much-needed break from her nitpicking.

There are definite moments where it feels like we’re truly planning our wedding. I catch myself getting excited watching Josephine flip through wedding catalogs or Pinterest, setting things aside I know she intends for therealbig day. More than once, I hear her mumble to herself about how it isn’t fair to have to plan two weddings.

“Let’s make it a real one,” I say. If I had it my way, we would already be married.

Josephine doesn’t look up at me as she shakes her head. “Two weeks is not enough time to plan all the things I want. Sorry, but the answer is no.”

Annoyed, I grumble to myself and sit next to her on my bunk, surrounded by all things wedding. It’s late and my fingers have a life of their own, grazing up and down her naked thighs. Josephine is wearing her typical braless tank top and tiny panties for bed, practically making me swoon. Who would have thought these simple clothes would look like the sexiest lingerie to me?

I may start buying her tank tops from Victoria’s Secret along with the underwear I can’t seem to stop ordering. Is there such a thing as having a lingerie shopping compulsion? Nah, it’s just seeing my woman in skimpy undergarments that’s my real compulsion. Not being able to have sex with her in the house is definitely starting to drive me up the wall.

At least my brothers have learned not to make direct eye contact with Josephine when they step in the bedroom. They’ve all gotten a peek at her in her bikini panties or thongs, and they’ve all gotten death glares or verbal threats from me about keeping their eyes to themselves. The only thing making it worth them gawking at her, is knowing she’s mine and they’re all jealous she belongs to me. Or maybe it’s because they’re jealous of what we have together.

“I found the dress,” Josephine says, not looking up from her phone.

My fingers continue to draw patterns into her sun-kissed legs. “Good. One thing off the sham wedding list done.”

Her sparkling blue eyes finally look into mine. “No, notthatdress. I’m talkingthedress.”

Oh, man.My heart pounds in my chest imagining her in a white dress walking down an aisle toward me.

What does it look like? Is it simple or glammed up? Is it white or ivory or some other color altogether? Is it puffy like a princess-dress or something more formfitting?I’ve got to know.