“Let me show you what you’re walking into,” I say without emotion as I hand him a hard hat and wave for him to follow me around the build site.
Jacob is openly impressed with what my crew has accomplished in two weeks. I take him around and introduce him to my crew members. Maybe it’s Jacob’s uppity demeanor that is off-putting, but none of my workers appear receptive toward him, Jared especially. He turns and walks the other way when I try to introduce them. I expect the hostility from Jared since he’s aware of our history, but how the other members of the crew are behaving gives me pause. How will they respond to Jacob when I’m not on-site?
It probably doesn’t help Jacob’s case when I slap his hand away multiple times in front of my workers when he tries to take my hand. We’re no longer lovers—hell, we aren’t even friends. This is a business deal only. Why the fuck is Jacob acting like there’s more between us? It’s unnerving.
After a full tour of the project, I’m about to take him into the trailer—which Jared and I are using as our on-site office. I’m going to show him the plans I refused to until he was here—call me protective about my work all you want, I wasn’t going to give the asshole an opportunity to steal any more shit from me—when I hear the roar of a motorcycle pulling onto the property.
Expecting to see one of the MC members rolling in, I turn toward the approach. My heart completely stops as I take in the glorious figure on the bike.
Maceo rolls up to the trailer in black tactical clothing and aviator glasses, hiding his dark eyes, which I’m sure are glowering at me right now. His hair has grown as well as his beard, which is very full after being away for three weeks. He looks hot as hell as he climbs off his bike and stalks toward me like a lion approaching his prey. He rubs his massive chest with one of his hands as he makes his way, like his heart has been hurting as much as mine.
Well, boo-fucking-hoo. The alpha asshole stepped all over my heart first!
I hoped for one more week before he returned, like Punk originally told me. Alas, it looks like Maceo’s team was able to accomplish the mission early. He’s dressed like he wrapped up the job and immediately boarded a plane home without changing out of his gear.
My heart squeezes back to life, painfully, with each step he takes toward me. Time away from him has done absolutely nothing to steel me against his aura. A sinking feeling grows in the pit of my stomach. I’m nowhere near over him. Hell, is it a lost cause?
Maceo doesn’t stop until he’s standing over me. He pushes his sunglasses over his thick hair. “Pixie,” he purrs, making a fire to burn low in my body.
“Atlas,” I say evenly, hypnotized by his dark gaze.
Jacob looks between the two of us, as if finally realizing this giant man is the client. The one I told him I was having issues with. “Hi, Atlas,” he says with a cheery voice, holding out his hand. “Jacob Klein. Really excited to start working with you on this project.”
Maceo glares at Jacob like he’s an insect to squash. He looks down at Jacob’s hand, which he lets hang there. “Yes, I’m well aware of who you are.”
Jacob’s swallow is audible.
Maceo turns his fierce gaze on me. “What the fuck is this?” he says nodding toward Jacob.
“Atlas—” I begin, but I’m cut off.
“I’ve fucking told you that you, only you, call meMaceo,” he spits through his teeth.
“Mr. Atlas, please, let me explain. Jo asked me here to help with—” Jacob tries to clarify his presence using his most confident voice, sensing I’m in the crossfire of Maceo’s rage.
But Maceo interrupts by raising his hand and unleashing his fury on him. “Was I fucking speaking to you?”
Jacob’s mouth clamps shut instantly. This kind of hostility from clients is brand-spanking-new for him.
Maceo’s upright hand forms into a fist before he extends his index finger and shakes it, warning Jacob to stay silent. The cords in his thick neck are strained, and Maceo tries to control his rage. “Excuse us a moment, Jake,” Maceo says in a condescending tone.
“Oh, it’s Jacob,” Jacob corrects.
Maceo takes me firmly, but not painfully, by the elbow and leads me a good fifty feet away. He rips off his sunglasses from his head and hangs them on his shirt, then leans into my personal space, practically engulfing me with his frame. “Care to explain why your fucking ex is here on my property?”
I inhale through my nose, squaring my shoulders and looking up at him. “I’ve asked him here to consult on this project in my absence.”
Maceo does a double take. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Given the current circumstances between us, I believe it is in the best interest of the project to bring in a third party as acting engineer to avoid further confrontation. He will be present from now ‘till completion of the build,” I say.
“Over my dead body!” He seethes, making me nearly jump out of my construction boots. “I didn’t hire that loafer-dick. I signed a contract withyou. You, Josephine! If I wanted a different engineer, I would have hired a different one. Igavethis to you. You don’t get to make the call of passing it on to someone else now.”
“I’m well within my rights of the contract to bring in anyone I want to help consult on this build,” I say, in a slightly louder voice.
He runs a shaky hand through his hair, panic taking over his face. “Did he sign a deal with you? How long has he been here?”
“No. We haven’t done any formalities yet because he only showed up today, but this is happening,” I yell back.To hell with professionalism right now.I’m too livid to give a shit.