Page 37 of Lips On My Heart

Chapter Six


True to my word, I did my job with a vengeance—to finish ahead of schedule. Jared didn’t fight me on the extra manpower, sensing it wasn’t up for debate. Seeing as I was barking orders at most of the crew members and making his job a little easier, he was happy to have a bigger crew.

The first week, the field was cleared and leveled. Slabs and foundations were poured and set. Framing was up on the main headquarters, and welders finished putting up the garages and mechanic shop by the beginning of the second week.

By the middle of the second week, the metal roofing, windows, and doors were installed to all the buildings. Inspectors were in and out daily, passing us on all inspections, allowing us to plow through.

I did all of this dutifully, while several different MC members stopped by to monitor the progress of the build. Punk was present among them most days, giving the thumbs-up to all my decisions. I’m sure Maceo gave him the order to allow me to make any and all design choices.

Punk was always pleasant and made sure I had everything I could possibly need. I tried not to take my anger out on any of them, seeing as my rage was reserved for Maceo, but all the MC members stepped on eggshells around me. I had no problem telling them to get the hell out of my crew’s way if I felt they were overstepping.

As hard as I was being on my crew, they didn’t fight me. Either they were used to the treatment from other jobs, or they could sense I was stressed over the project and the company around us. They nodded when I gave an order, and they did whatever I requested. I guess I was paying them enough to make the long hours worth their time. Every night, I apologized to them for my bitchy behavior, which only made them laugh as they said their goodbyes for the day.

Taking pity on Chase for wasting hours hacking into my phone, I unblocked Maceo’s number. The next morning, I bought a burner. I used the new phone for anything unrelated to Maceo’s project, including keeping Jacob in the loop on the progress of the build.

At the rate we were going, we could be done before the three months were up. Jacob was biting at the bit to get out to Fort Collins, but I was no fool. I knew his attention was much more focused on me than the actual build itself. I had to remind him every time we talked. He was not to come until the end of the second week.

Jacob came through on his end. I received a contract from my old firm confirming to stop blackballing me in exchange for a week of my PE services on the build in Denver, and I signed the deal. I went to Denver every afternoon to go over the blueprints, make changes if need be, and sign off on them. Then I returned back to the MC build site, relieving Jared of watching both crews, and working late into the evening.

The doors which had once been shut were miraculously open and it showed. Jared and I were bombarded by other vendors offering better deals on supplies. Last minute orders were delivered quickly by suppliers, and contractors were networking with us. Never again could my old firm screw me over without me suing the shit out of them. The week I invested traveling back and forth between projects was worth it.

Punk would call me on my old phone with anything regarding the build. All questions asked on Maceo’s behalf regarding anything other than the project were immediately cut off. I was done with the bullshit and wanted to move on.

Putting all my focus into my work was the best therapy. As much as this project was causing me anxiety, I was living in my element. This is what I was always meant to do—build and create works of art that brought my clients joy.

Maceo continued to send text messages and leave voicemails, but I ignored all of them and left them unanswered. Thankfully, he avoided bombarding my email. It’s almost like he could sense it would set me off. I would have thought he would have given up after days of no response from me, but he dutifully left me a text and voicemail every morning and every night, trying to make up for his screw up.

Too little, too late.

It’s Friday of week two, and I bicker with Jared about pressing through another weekend with the second crew, giving our first crew a reprieve. Jared wants our original men on the job and is pushing for us to take the weekend off.

While we debate, a rental car pulls onto the property and my stomach drops. Though I was expecting Jacob to show up today, it still doesn’t mean I’m happy to have him anywhere near me. I grab Jared’s arm for emotional support—he knows how much I’ve been dreading seeing Jacob.

Jared sneers at the rental as Jacob parks the car. “So that’s the dumb fuck who screwed you over back in California?”

“The one and only. Do me a favor and play nice with him. We need his help on this build.”

I haven’t told Jared exactly what happened between Maceo and I because I’m too embarrassed, bamboozled by Maceo’s charm. All Jared knows is that we had a ‘misunderstanding.’

Jared snorts. “No, Jo, we don’t need him. We need you. That leech shouldn’t be anywhere near you after what he’s done.”

“Do I need to remind you that ‘leech’ is also responsible for ending my blacklist days?”

“He’s not the hero here, Jo. He may try to spin himself as one, but the only reason you were on that list to begin with was because of him.”

Jared has been my closest friend since moving to Colorado. It’s not uncommon for the two of us to go out drinking at the end of the week and bitch about our past partners—meaning Jared knows nearly as much about my relationship with Jacob as I do.

Eager to get on with it, I give Jared a sad smile, grab my cell in case Punk needs to get a hold of me, and go greet my ex.

Jacob is up and out of the car as soon as he sees me. I expected the happy-as-fuck smile on his face, but I wasn’t expecting him to be so damn grabby. He catches me by the shoulders and pulls me into a death grip against his lean body the second the car door closes.

Jacob presses his nose in my hair. “Damn, Jo. It’s good to see you,” he says, and kisses the top of my head, breathing me in.

He’s being way too chummy for my comfort. I firmly push away from him, but I control the revulsion on my face. “Glad you made the trip.” I look down at his shoes and shake my head.

Jacob is dressed like architectural engineers—dress shirt, dress slacks, and loafers. We are in the field, not the fucking office. I dress for the job—ripped up skinny jeans, black tank top, construction boots and pigtail braids are my normal on-site attire. I’m tempted to ask him if he wants to change his clothes first, but what the hell do I care.