Farrendel frowned at the mountains ahead of him. Would he even be able to embed a protective wall of his magic along this border? He had been able to do so along the Gulmorth Gorge since that was stone. These mountains had stone inside them, but it was deep beneath a layer of earth and loam. Nor would he have something as definite as a river to follow to find the border.
Around them, the army fort bustled with activity in the confines of an ancient stone fortress. The towers had been converted to hold large cannon facing toward the mountains while the men marching through the courtyard held guns instead of swords.
More of the human soldiers stumbled and gaped as Weylind, Rheva, Ryfon, Brina, Rharreth, Melantha, and Essie’s mother climbed down from the train.
Both Weylind and Rharreth cast calculating looks at their surroundings, taking in Escarland’s defenses along this section of border with the knowing eyes of experienced warriors.
For their part, Ryfon and Brina stared around at the castle with wide eyes. As neither of them had seen the encampments during the war, this was their first time seeing any part of the Escarlish army up close.
“Just wait until they see Aldon.” Essie managed to smile up at Farrendel, despite the circles beneath her eyes after the rough couple of days.
The bustle of soldiers parted, emitting Essie’s brothers Averett and Julien. Averett wore a circlet on his auburn hair. Behind him, Julien’s expression remained slightly grim, framed by his beard.
“Glad you made it!” Averett’s gaze swung from Weylind to Essie, and his smile faded. “Essie, are you all right?”
Before Farrendel could blink, Essie clapped a hand over his mouth and blurted in a rush, “I’m expecting.”
Averett halted and blinked, forehead wrinkling. “Excuse me, did I hear that right?”
“Yes. Farrendel and I are expecting. It’s early yet, but someone can’t seem to keep it a secret.” Essie fake-glared up at Farrendel as she removed the hand from his mouth.
“I was not going to tell them.” He had spent most of the train ride rehearsing his vague answer to the What is wrong with Essie? question so that he would not get caught off guard and blurt out the truth again.
“This time.” Essie held her pretend glare for another second before she grinned and stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “I love you.”
Farrendel did not have a chance to respond before Averett and Julien were on them.
He endured a body-slam hug from Averett, followed by a hearty back slap. Julien gave Essie a bear hug that lifted her from her feet and made her squeal.
“So happy for the two of you!”
The back slap from Julien was hard enough to make Farrendel stagger a step. Averett exchanged a gentler, big brother hug with Essie as he said something to her in a whisper that Farrendel could not hear.
Farrendel should have dressed in his padded fighting leathers to protect himself from their exuberance. Next time, he was going to keep his mouth shut so that he and Essie could tell everyone all at once. Then he would only have to survive one round of congratulations instead of several.
Even worse, they still had to tell Essie’s sister-in-law Paige, her nephews, and Edmund, once Edmund returned from his mysterious mission in Mongavaria.
Once all the congratulations were over, Averett gestured toward the mountains rising above them. “Now that everyone is here, we can head up to the border. The army has a narrow-rail train to the tower that guards the pass up there.”
“Another train.” Essie groaned.
“You do not have to come.” Farrendel rested a hand on her back, then glanced at Averett. “I am sure you can stay here.”
Averett nodded. “Paige came as well, but she is busy making sure the fort has accommodations ready for all of our guests, in case we spend the night here before returning to Aldon.”
“Will you need me?” Essie searched Farrendel’s face.
He drew in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. He always felt calmer when Essie was around, and that helped steady his magic.
But she would not be far away. And he would still have her steadiness in the heart bond, even if she wouldn’t be right next to him.
“I will be fine.” Farrendel put as much confidence as he could into his voice.
Even if he panicked and his control over his magic started to slip, he was not sure he wanted her stepping in to help him fix it. Melantha had shielded the baby when Essie had used his magic at Lethorel, but Melantha might be needed to use her magic elsewhere this time.