Page 25 of For One Night

Oz’s finger brushes against mine as he gathers some of her juices before carefully sliding the tip of his finger into her other hole. I can feel the pressure through her thin wall. Immediately, she fractures from the overwhelming sensation of all her nerves being stimulated.

Neither of us stop, continuing to work her through her orgasm, making it last longer.

“Orgasms are amazing. Why aren’t women everywhere demanding them all the time? Maybe it’s because these nerves have literally never been touched before today but I hope this never ends,” she says.

I fucking swear they’ll never stop coming.

She reaches down for my cock but I have to stop her.

“That was only a tease to reassure you and us. We have to go try this potion now,” I explain, pushing her hand away.

She groans but complies, resituating her clothes.

We race back to my warehouse and I get to work on adding this last ingredient. I had everything else prepared so it shouldn’t take me long.

The other three get comfortable on my couch watching me work.

I finish it quickly, carrying it over to my girl and handing it to her.

“I don’t know for sure that this will work but it’s the only thing I can find. It’s up to you if you want to try it.” I’ll probably end up bugging her to take it but I leave that part out.

She nods, taking the potion from me. She inspects it before giving us all a longing look.

Micaela tips back the potion and downs it in one swallow. She grimaces at the taste but potions aren’t well-known for tasting delicious.

This has to work. I’m on the edge of my seat while I wait for the result. I have nothing left to try, finding this was a miracle. Oz’s lead led to nothing, and we will be at ground zero if this fails.

“I feel a little tingly,” Micaela says, looking down at her body.

It starts shimmering, looking more translucent as she stares. I’m not sure if that means this is working or not. It could be her ghostly form leaving but I have a bad feeling that’s not it.

“Little mate, do you feel more solid or less, because you’re looking less corporeal to me,” Silas says, sounding worried.

“I, I feel… not so good.” Then she pops out of existence.

Oz and I shoot out of our seats.

I know it’s within her ghostly powers to move in and out of the corporeal plane. She told me that’s how she got into the club and met Silas and Oz. She’ll come back any second.

But she doesn’t. The minutes tick by and nothing happens. The three of us stand there waiting but the longer it takes, the angrier we get.

“Where the fuck is she!” I shout, slamming my hand down on the table.

Silas turns on me, pushing me against the wall. “You gave her the potion and now she’s gone! Bring her the fuck back!”

Oz doesn’t intervene. Instead, he studies the spot where we last saw Micaela.

“It was supposed to work! I obviously didn’t mean to hurt her. She’s my mate just as much as she’s yours. Get your fucking hands off me before I remove them from your body. I need to start working on bringing her back,” I say, my voice full of menace.

Silas slowly steps back, allowing me space.

“I still feel the mate bond,” Oz observes.

Now that he says it, I do too. Thank fuck, that’s a good sign.

“Then we are still connected and can get her back,” Silas says.

“But how the fuck do we do that?” Oz growls.