Page 26 of For One Night

I rack my brain for any possible solution. The potion should have solidified her, but instead it’s sent her away. If she could, she would have reappeared by now. So, she’s not able to.

Maybe the potion zapped her energy away, and she doesn’t have enough to stay corporeal.



3:00 a.m.

What the fuck just happened? If we don’t get our mate back, this city is going to run red before dawn.

“How are you going to fix this?” I demand, glaring at Elias.

His fists are clenched and his jaw is locked. I don’t have an ounce of sympathy right now.

“The potion talked about ghosts and their energy. She needs an immense amount of energy to stay corporeal and my theory is that the potion drained it,” Elias answers.

“So we need to get her some energy. It’s Halloween, so she’ll be absorbing energy, we just need to get her a boost.” Oz starts moving towards the door.

I follow. “She told us graveyards are a great place to haunt because they’re already spooky. Let’s go there.”

We pull up to the graveyard and Oz parks behind some trees. It’ll add to the scene if these kids think they’re alone. I can hear laughing and music coming from inside.

Now that I know my girl’s grave is in there, I’m pissed at these kids for disrespecting the space. It’s not a place for partying.

“What’s the game plan? We need to make this count, not mess it up,” I say. Without a plan we could look stupid and not scare them. We need to use our powers to give them a spooky Halloween experience.

Oz outlines a plan for us. It will work even though I don’t like my role much. It doesn’t matter, only Micaela matters.

I hope she’s stuck with us and is in the car now. I’m not sure how any of this works but I want to be sure we aren’t wasting time, doing this for nothing.

“There’s no way to know she’s here, right?” I ask, checking if the others know something I don’t.

Oz shakes his head, knowing as little as I do about ghosts.

Elias contemplates his answer before slowly shaking his head. “The only thing I know would be the spell that makes a ghost solid but puts them in agony. We would know she’s here for a second before she pops back out of existence.”

“Fuck no!” I respond.

Watching her suffer once was enough. Getting to watch the other ghost in pain was a bonus. But I know I don’t want to put my mate through that.

“I’m sure she’s stuck with us. She wouldn’t waste time somewhere else, and she knows we have no way to be sure she’s here. I trust she’s here,” Oz answers.

“I agree.” Elias opens his door, ending the conversation.

This better fucking work.

We quietly climb out of the car. I move away from the other two before I head right to the group, running at full speed.


Every head turns to look at me.

“What’s wrong, man?” a brave kid asks. The rest are looking around at their surroundings.

I can barely contain my smile but I maintain my composure.

“Something’s following me! It’s a ghost or some shit. Run!.”