Page 83 of Untamed Soul

“We don’t know that yet; she needs to take those tests.”

I stand up and grip his shoulder. “I’ll tell ya something I do know. No matter what, you two’ll get through it. That girl’s strong, stronger than any of us.

We don’t get to choose our fate. Life’s proved that to me enough times, but we do get to fucking control what we do with the shit that gets dealt.

We’re gonna find Hawker, and rip his guts through his asshole, then we move on to this cunt…” I hold out the fake passport I found in the drawer. Sebastian Wheeler’s name doesn’t match the face on the photo.

“Mother Fucker.” Troj studies it. It ain’t much, but it gives Maddy a lead on one of the names Chop is using.

“That sounds like a plan, VP.” Troj looks up at me with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Thanks for listening, man.” He stands up and pulls me in.

“Anytime, but if you're gonna be looking for baby-making positions and all that shit, you go to Nyx. Clearly, he’s good at that shit, and it ain’t his sister you’re fuckin’,” I point out, making Troj laugh as if I’m fucking joking. It lightens the mood up a little, but we both quickly turn serious and reach for our guns when the front door opens.

“Holy shit!” The person who enters’ mouth falls open when she sees we’re here, and she moves fast, spinning on her heels and running.

Me and Troj turn our heads to face each other, both wearing the same shocked expression before we go in pursuit.

It doesn’t take long for Troj to catch up with her, those pathetic heels she’s wearing weren’t made for running. He grabs her around the waist, and she struggles in his arms, biting at the hand he throws over her mouth to prevent a disturbance as we drag her back into the apartment.

“Fancy seeing you here.” I loom over her after Troj throws her onto the leather couch, and the bitch’s eyes seethe back at me as she snarls like a rabid dog.

“Looks like me, and you have some serious catching up to do.”

“What are you doing here, Mel?” I look down at her, expecting to see fear. Instead, she lifts her lips into a smirk.

“I could ask you the same question,” she sits herself up straight and crosses her legs, acting like she holds the power here.

“We’re here because we got a lead on Chop, and the fact you're here too ain’t looking so good for you, darlin’.”

“What you gonna do, Jessie, lock me up in your basement?” she snarls at me, and the look Troj side glances me with suggests he knows that's exactly what I’m thinking I’d like to do.

Mel’s trying to be clever. She knows club rules. No women, no kids. But there's always cases where exceptions can be made. And this right here is one of them.

“I’m gonna ask you one more time what you're doing here?” I dig deep for some patience.

“Then what, you take out your knife and put a slice in me?” she laughs right at me. “I got a space reserved right here for you, baby?” she pulls her skirt seductively up her thigh.

“Speak up, Mel,” I warn, refusing to give her the attention she’s craving.

“Or maybe you could fuck it out of me. You remember those days when you used to be fun? How you’d fuck me like the whole room wasn’t watching us?” she taunts.

“I’m done with this bullshit.” I reach into my cut and pull out my phone.

“What are you doing?” Mel shifts on the couch, the seductive smile on her lips loosening a little.

“Souls don’t fuck up women, Mel, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know people who do.”

I scroll through my contacts while she fidgets nervously.

“Wait until Rogue knows what we got for her,” I throw a snigger at Troj.

“No!” The sassy little act drops immediately, and fear quickly spreads across Mel's face. “Please, Jessie, she’s a fucking psychopath.”

“Get to talkin’, Mel,” I shrug, holding the phone up as a warning and letting her see how close I am to calling Grimm's old lady.

“Okay, I’ll tell you, but I need you to promise me I’ll be safe. I need club protection.” She tightens her lips and crosses her arms.