Page 84 of Untamed Soul

“You're kidding, right?” Troj turns away from her and laughs in disbelief.

“You had club protection. You’ve been flashing your pussy around our club long past its sell-by date. You know what happens to people who rat. You really think the club is gonna protect you?” He suddenly gets in her face, and I ease him back.

“I ain’t talking without it. Chop will kill me; you both know that.” Her eyes flick between me and Troj nervously.

“We’ll hook you up somewhere, get you out of town and away from Chop. That’s the best I can do.” It’s more than she deserves, but I need the information she’s got.

“Fine.” She rolls her eyes and picks up the cigarette Troj tosses at her between shaky fingers.

“Chop got in contact with me after he left and asked me to find something for him,” she admits, refusing to make eye contact with either of us, even after I’ve lit the smoke between her lips with my zippo.

“You wanna tell us what that something was?” Troj leans over her.

“Some flash drive, he was convinced it was at Skid’s place, but it wasn’t,” she assures me. “I searched the place when he was riding nomad.”

The vision of Chop coming back that day flashes through my mind. He was desperately looking for something before he attacked Carly, but we never did figure out what it was.

“That’s it, a flash drive?” I narrow my eyes, daring her to lie to me. He must know about that footage we got on him through the camera on Maddy's laptop. Is that what he’s trying to obtain now?

“I give information now and again, keep him updated on some movements.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal, and I swear there ain’t a trace of guilt on her face.

“Is he working with Hawker?” Troj asks, quickly losing his cool.

“They have shared interests,” she admits. “They exchange information sometimes. I don’t have anything to do with Hawker, though. I’ve never spoke to him directly.” She looks at Troj when she says that because she knows what that fucker did to his wife.

“But you will rat us out to the man who raped and killed Skid’s old lady. Mel, Carly was good to you, she never treated you like a whore. She treated you like a friend.” Troj shakes his head at her in disgust.

“Everyone treats me like a whore,” Mel laughs in his face. “You know how much Dirty Soul dick I’ve had to work to try and get noticed?” She looks him up and down.

“Well, congratulations, Mel, you got yourself noticed,” I snort a laugh at her.

“So, what now?” she asks, her eyes roaming around the room.

“What were you doing here today?” I study her face for the signs of a lie, and she pauses for far too long.

“You know what Rogue will do to you if we give her free reign?” I remind her.

“Okay,” she sighs helplessly.

“Last night, I finally got what Chop wanted. I snuck into Prez’s lodge while everyone was at the party, and I figured the code to his safe.”

I know Maddy loaded that fucking video from her laptop to a USB to hold as evidence, but it’s not at Prez's lodge. It’s in the safe at the chapel where we hold church. I know that for a fact because it gives me shivers whenever I see it.

Prez must have moved it recently. Maybe he had suspicions someone was looking for it. He’s clever like that, never predictable.

“You're gonna need to give me back that flash drive,” I tell her coldly, why did I ever give this woman my attention? She’s always been devious. How the hell she’s lasted so long at the club is beyond me.

“If you want it, you're gonna have to take it.” Her eyes lower to her tightly pushed-together tits, and she smirks at me.

“You really are a desperate, needy bitch.” I shake my head at her before tearing her blouse open. Staring her right in her cold, desperate eyes as I fumble roughly inside her bra to find the device.

“Got it,” I pull it out and look up at Troj, but when I see what I’m holding between my fingers, I find myself confused. This ain’t the USB I was expecting to find; this one is black. The ones I know Maddy uses are white and much smaller.

“You look surprised, Jessie?” Mel smiles at me in a way that makes me want to put a bullet between her eyes.

“Get out of here, Mel, while you still got the ability to,” I dismiss her.

“You said you’d protect me, that you’d set me up away from the club.” She looks back at me like I’ve hurt her. If she thinks this is me causing hurt, she hasn’t got a fuckin’ clue what I’m capable of.