Page 77 of Untamed Soul

Ella and Nyx manage a few hours before Ella starts to look tired, and Nyx demands they go home and get her some rest. They leave with the kids, and then the party gets into full swing. The room fills with smoke, whores get let in, the music gets turned up, and Tac starts handing out the good stuff.

“I should get going too,” Alex says, hopping down off her stool. She’s spent most of the night sitting beside me, talking to Abby while she serves, and I’ve had to stop myself from reaching out and touching her because it just comes so fucking naturally.

“Stay,” the word comes out so simply, yet the complications it could lead to are already giving me a headache.

“You want me to hang out longer?” Alex asks as if she misheard me.

“I asked you, didn’t I?” I point out sarcastically, licking my bottom lip and imagining tasting her.

“Alex, how are you getting on with the new book?” Shaniya interrupts the moment, greeting Alex with a hug.

“It’s good to see you,” Alex says genuinely, and I quickly lose her to book talk.

“Wet the baby's head with me.” Tac hands me a shot glass, and I toast it before knocking it back. “Guess you’re feeling pretty proud of yourself?” I nudge him with my shoulder, Tac practically raised Nyx. He’s as much that little girl's grandpa as Prez is.

“Course I am. He’s young, but he’s proving to us all that age don’t mean jack shit. Look at me, I'm forty-five, and I got nothing to show for it.” Tac’s sounding kinda sorry for himself. He needs to do more blow.

“Except for a good man who sees you like a father, and two little kids that are gonna grow up loving you,” I point out, taking the bottle of sambuca and refilling our glasses.

“What the fuck’s gotten into you lately?” Tac laughs at me before he downs his shot.

I grab a fresh bottle of whiskey off the bar and head over to the corner where my brother’s getting head. Apparently, the girls having their own bar room ain’t enough all the couches have been turned to face away from the bar to create more privacy. I’ve always thought it was pathetic, but as I look over my shoulder at Alex, I’m suddenly grateful for it. I don’t want her seeing my brother get his dick noshed.

Slouching down beside him, I offer him the bottle. The bitch working his dick looks up at me and winks. Usually, I’d tell her that I’m next, but looking over at Alex talking to Shaniya and Maddy, I got no regrets about the promise I made her.

Screw drinks from the bottle and hands it back. His huge hand is fisting the girl’s hair and bouncing her head to a rhythm that will have him jacking his load. He grits his teeth and his body tenses as he fills her mouth. Soon as he’s done, she gets up, and Screw nods her on her way, taking another swig from the bottle.

“She fits in well,” he growls at me, gesturing his head toward the bar at Alex. There’s no one in earshot, but it’s still unlike him to talk to me when we’re out in public.

“Yeah, too well,” I reply, watching her laugh at something Thorne’s saying and trying to tamp down the pang of jealousy I feel.

“What am I doing, Screw? She’s a cop for Christ’s sake.” I need someone’s opinion on what's going on. What I’m feeling for her ain't right, and the fact I've got no control over it spins my head even more. I’ve spent the last few years watching my club brothers fall in love with women, I’ve mocked them for it.

But I’m beginning to get my head around their logic. Alex and me aren’t supposed to be together, and yet I’m crushed at the thought of her being with anyone else.

“Only you can answer that question, brother,” Screwy tells me, standing up and heading over to the bar.

I go to take a piss, moving through the double doors and into the foyer, and just as I’m about to go into the restroom, I feel myself get dragged into the ladies' room with force.

“What’s with you tonight?” Rogue hops up and rests her ass on the basin unit behind her, giving me a look that dares me to lie to her.

“There’s nothing wrong, Rogue. I’m just trying to figure something out.”

“You like the cop, Squealer, get over it,” she snaps back at me, shaking her head like she’s tired of my shit.

“It ain’t that simple, little hellion. You found your fucked up soulmate. But me and Alex ain’t you and Grimm. We’re different people.”

“And that’s what will make it work. Look at Troj and Shaniya, Maddy and Jessie. If you want it bad enough, you make it work. You just gotta ask yourself if you want it?” Rogue sashays her ass out the door, leaving me thinking.

After taking a leak, I head back to the barroom to find Alex. She gives me that smile that she only uses for me. The one that warms my insides up every time I fucking see it.

“Jessie was just telling me about the time you shot him in the ass,” she giggles, and VP throws me a snigger.

“That was an accident, though I can’t write off ever making the same mistake if he keeps on telling that story,” I warn, trying my best to look as stern as Screwy does.

“Is it always so eventful around here?” Alex asks, taking a sip of her water and eye fucking me over the rim of the glass.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask her, and when she nods her head, I grab at her wrist and drag her away from the little crowd that’s formed around her.