Page 76 of Untamed Soul

“Screwy,” Maddy gasps, snatching the cigarette from his lips and holding it between her fingers while she looks around helplessly for somewhere to stub it. My brother shakes his head in disapproval, taking back the cigarette and crushing it out in his rough palm.

“No smoking while the kids are at the club,” Maddy states to us all. She’s pretty and all, but I really don’t know how Jessie puts up with her.

“Since when did you start making the rules?” Tac laughs.

“Since she started putting my niece and nephew’s best interest first.” Brax steps over from where he’s been helping Grace with more decorations and winks at Maddy.

“No smoking while the kids are here,” Prez reinforces, pulling Haven off his lap and getting ready to greet his family. The doors open, and Dylan rushes through them, running straight for his grandpa, who proudly lifts him up onto his knee. Nyx and Ella follow closely behind him, with Nyx carrying the baby seat carefully in his hand.

“Oh my god, she’s beautiful,” Grace coos over the tiny little bundle.

“She’s got your nose, Ella,” Abby points out, making a fuss.

Rogue keeps her head buried in a bike magazine, and Alex stays next to me, clutching at her purse.

“Relax, no one’s gonna steal your shit,” I tell her with a snigger.

“I know that,” she snaps back at me.

“Squeal.” Nyx heads over, placing the baby seat up on the bar beside me. “Me and Ella wanted to ask you something?” Ella steps forward, taking her husband's hand in hers.

“You sure ‘bout this?” he checks with her.

“You were so good for me when all this happened,” she starts, looking at me gratefully. “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn't been here to drive me to the hospital, and then you stayed with me until Nyx decided to show.” She side glares her husband.

“I can’t believe I’m asking you this,” there’s a hint of a laugh in Nyx’s tone. “Squealer, will you be my baby girl’s godfather?”

“Do you have to go to church to do that shit?” I check, sounds awful god-like to me.

“No, you just have to promise that if anything happened to us that you’d be there for her, make sure she’s happy and has what she needs,” Ella explains.

“Don’t need no title to do that, she’s family.” I look at the little thing sleeping beside me. I guess she is kinda cute if you're into wrinkly pink things.

“Told you it was a good idea,” Ella smiles at Nyx.

“Do I have to hold her?” I ask.

“Not right now, but there might come a time in her life when she needs her uncle Squealer,” Ella says, unbuckling the thing that’s holding her into her seat and carefully pulling her daughter out.

“You could hold her if you wanted though,” she offers.

“Sure, how hard can it be, huh?”

I make a nook with my arm, and Ella confidently places her precious little girl inside it. When I look down at her, she looks comfortable, the disturbance hasn’t even stirred her, but my arms are already aching from how tense I’m holding them.

“You know she looks a lot smaller now than she did when I last saw her. How is that?” I grit my teeth and look down toward Ella’s lady bits.

“If you weren’t holding my kid, you know I’d be knocking your ass off that stool,” Nyx warns, but he’s smiling, so I know he doesn’t mean it.

“I’d love to be your little girl’s god daddy thingy.” I ignore him and look at Ella.

“Stop hogging my granddaughter.” Prez moves in and takes her from my arms, all the harsh wrinkles on his face relaxing into a smile full of pride.

“We got a name for her yet?” he pulls his eyes from his granddaughter to look up at his son-in-law.

“Sofia,” they say at the same time.

“Sofia.” Prez looks down proudly. “Welcome home.”