Page 22 of Untamed Soul

“How did it go with the Deputy?” Jessie quickly moves us off the subject, while Nyx clicks his knuckles.

“She got the message loud, VP,” I assure him. “What you two girls been up to anyway?” I glance them over, they’ve both worked up quite the sweat.

“Training for my next fight,” Troj answers, nodding over to Abby when she lifts her head up from her phone and she immediately starts moving to bring over more drinks.

“Looking forward to it, we all need a night out,” I answer for everyone. Win or lose, Troj’s next fight can’t be any worse than his last one. We thought Troj was gonna fight to his death, but Ivan Cooper ended up regretting that one.

“I say tonight, we forget about any old lady drama, we shoot some pool, and get our asses hammered… You in, Storm?” I shout over to the corner where our other Prospect is sitting alone. He’s about as much fun as a fuckin’ kick to the ball these days.

“Sure,” he snaps himself out of whatever's festering in his head and gets his ass into gear.

“Tawk?” I look over to the bar.

“Why not?” He tucks his phone back in his pocket and moves over to join us.

“Where are the oldies?” I look around for any signs of Prez, Thorne, or Tac.”

“Tac took Marilyn out for supplies,” Jessie takes the blunt from Nyx.

“That what they calling it these days?” Nyx smirks, and Jessie throws him a death stare.

“That’s Mads’ mom!” he reminds him, shaking the vision of it out of his head.

“Oh, come on, we all know Mads’ mom is totally getting her ass smashed by Tac. Could be worse, it could be Squeal doing her,” Brax sniggers, and all eyes look at me.

“Hey, Marilyn and I decided it would be a one-time thing… We didn’t want her to throw her hip out,” I snort, and it makes all my brothers laugh, even Jess. For the record, I’ve never smashed Maddy’s mom. I’ll bet she’s a fucking goer, though.

“You’re all sick!” Jessie shakes his head and goes to walk away, but Troj wraps his arm around his neck and hauls him back.

“Yeah, we are, but we’re your people, and you fuckin’ love us,” he reminds him. “Squeal’s right. We should make a night of it. Let’s cut loose and get fucked.”

“Fine, I’m in.” Jessie doesn’t take a lot of persuading. “I’ll call up Prez, he went home to make some calls and take a shower.”

“And Thorne?” I check.

“Yep?” Thorne strolls in, right on cue, the guy’s greying by the day but the lucky bastard makes it look good. There’s a lot of chicks that dig the whole Daddy experience, and Thorne sure got the experience.

“We’re all getting fucked, you in?” I call over.

“Does a rocking horse have a wooden dick?”

“Abs,” I yell over to the bar, distracting her again. “Rack ‘em up, sweetheart. It’s gonna be one hell of a night.”

I step into the library with Lucille, it’s only a small building, and it smells a little stuffy, but it’s obvious Shaniya’s made the effort to make it comfortable. There are ten chairs neatly circling a small, round coffee table, and she’s either made muffins or got them from Jodie’s. I don’t care either way, they look delicious.

“Thanks so much for coming. I know you're both using your lunch hours. Today’s meeting is only to decide what we’re going to read so we won’t keep you long.”

“Relax, Roswell’s got the day off. Alex here’s in charge, we can be as long as we need.” Lucille slaps me hard on the back before she makes her way over to the table and helps herself to a muffin.

“Take a seat.” Shaniya leads me over to an empty chair, and I sit down awkwardly. Why did I agree to this? What useful information did I actually think I’d learn at a book club meeting?

“Hey, guys.” A pretty blonde girl steps through the doors. “I’m Maddy, we haven’t met yet.” She makes a bee-line straight for me, holding out her hand confidently for me to shake.

“Alex Monroe, I’m the new Deputy.”

“I heard,” she answers curtly before placing a tray of cookies on the table beside the muffins. “Mom sent these, says she’s sorry she couldn’t make it. And El is just dropping Dylan over at the studio, she’ll be here any minute,“ she assures Shaniya before taking the seat beside me.

Shaniya greets another member of our group, some middle-aged, smartly dressed woman who looks a little surprised by the turnout.