Page 21 of Untamed Soul

“I don’t really know how to talk to girls.” He frowns, keeping his focus forward. Tawk’s old school and stubborn. I can’t imagine he asks for help all that often.

“What do you mean, you don’t get how? You just open your mouth and say what’s in your head.” I chuckle.

“Explains why you get yourself into so much trouble.” When he turns his head and raises one of his dark eyebrows at me, I flip him off.

“Seriously though, ain’t nothing gonna happen if you don’t find the balls to tell her you like her,” I remind him, just before the double doors swing open again.

“Squealer, just the man I wanted to see.” I swivel my ass on the stool to see Rogue coming toward me, all overalled up and covered in engine grease.

“Knew it was only a matter of time before you realized what was good for ya?” I wink at her, but she looks unimpressed with my humor.

“I need some help at the garage. Skids rode out to Utah to help out Dec, and Nyx was on the rota, but he had some baby appointment to take Ella to. I told him I could manage, but I just got a gearbox replacement come in.”

“Really?” I scrub my hand over my face. I was looking forward to a day off, wallowing in self-pity and wanking myself silly over a certain lady deputy.

“I’ll really owe you one.” Rogue does that scary creepy psycho smile at me, the one that really means, do as I ask, or I'll slit your throat while you're sleeping.

“Fine, but I’m taking charge of the music.” I finish what's left of my beer before slamming the bottle on the counter and heading out with her to the garage.

Rogue was right. There’s a lot to do at the garage, and helping out turns out to be a good distraction from me thinking about Alex in those handcuffs. When the last job’s done, I wash as much oil and grease off my hands as I can before heading back over to the club for a well-deserved beer.

Screwy’s already here and is sitting with Grimm and Brax over on the couches. I’ll bet the conversation over there’s fuckin’ electric.

When I get to the bar, Abby’s still distracted by her damn phone.

“You ever put that thing down these days?” I ask, pulling out a smoke and setting it alight.

“I’m talking to someone interesting, okay?” She gets me a beer and hands it over, before getting back to her screen.

“Interesting, huh?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. He’s intelligent, charming, and everything you are not.” She swipes, and I can’t help laughing to myself. Abby tried it on with me more times than I can remember when she first arrived at the club. Granted, it was because she wanted a fix, and she figured I was the weak link when it came to females. But we don’t stock the shit she was after at the club; it’s one of the rules.

And even I abide by club rules. Abby was brought here to clean up her act. Brax and Nyx saw her through it, and it would have been their wrath I dealt with if I’d put that in jeopardy.

I grab my beer and head over to join my brother and the others. Nyx follows close behind when he storms through the doors and slumps himself on the seat next to me.

“Nice of you to join us.” His brother, Brax, looks him up and down.

“Yeah, well, Ella sent me out the house. Apparently I’m being overbearing,” he bunny ears the word overbearing, and lights himself a smoke before throwing his lighter at the table.

“You have been spending every spare second of your time with her,” I point out.

“She’s carrying my kid, Squealer.” Nyx stares at me like I’ve sprouted dicks from my ears. “Like you’d understand anyway.” He shakes his head, folding his bulky arms over his chest.

“She carried your kid before, and you didn't even know about it until she dropped it on your cabin floor. I don’t see what the big deal is?” I shrug, taking the spliff that Screwy passes me over a silent Grimm. It’s pointless even offering to that fussy bastard; he never shares anything that’s touched another person’s lips.

“That’s exactly why,” Nyx huffs. “I couldn’t take care of her then, I missed out on everything. But this time I wanna do things right.”

“Just give her some space,” Grimm adds, like all of a sudden he’s become some relationship pro. I ain’t the only one whose eyes widen at his input.

“You just wait till you guys start having kids,” Nyx blows out a heavy sigh and replaces his cigarette with the blunt I hand him.

There ain't a man sitting around this table who doesn’t snigger at that comment. I’d say Brax is the most likely bet. His girl, Grace is the wholesome type, she’s bound to end up wanting ‘em. Screwy is as careful as I am when it comes to keeping his cock clean, and Grimm, well that thought even makes me shudder. That really would be the product of bad and fuckin’ evil.

“What you guys talking about?” Jessie asks when he and Troj stride over. Both of them look fresh out of the gym, their hair tied up and wearing sweats. Now, here we have two more likely candidates. Troj and Shaniya are married now, so it's practically a ticking time bomb, and Jess makes no secret of the fact he’s ready to knock up Mads with beautiful blonde-haired blue-eyed hellraisers as soon as she’ll let him.

“Procreation.” I raise my eyebrows.