Page 96 of Forbidden Soul

Grace puts her arm around Ella and comforts her after Brax lets her go to follow his brother, and for a second, a stupid, pathetic part of me wishes Shaniya was here to see me off too.

“Come on, brother, time to blow off that steam,” Jessie slaps me on the shoulder and marches out alongside me and Autumn.

We pile into the back of two cages, and it works out that Tawk sits opposite me. He’s tapping his foot against the floor, rubbing his palms together and I stare across at him, wondering if him and her will make it work.

It’s just the kinda aggravation I need before going into a fight. Thinking about his hands touching her, or his mouth on her skin takes the fear of fuckin’ death out of me.

If I make him uncomfortable he doesn't show it, he stares right back at me, unashamed.

But then why would he be? He ain’t the reason her life's been ruined.

I pull out the photos from my cut and slowly flick through them, staring into their faces and feeling the rage inside me reach boiling point.

“I want that one,” Storm pipes up from beside me, ripping the photo of the bigger guy straight out my hand. His face is still in bad shape from where he got beat, and every part of me wants to argue with him. But I’ve noticed the change in him since all this happened. I blamed him for something he was powerless to, and he lost a part of himself in that cabin. If killing one of the men that caused that gets him through, I’m all about it.

“This one’s Storm’s,” I hold up the photo to the others, and he nods back at me gratefully. Something tells me the kid will be able to handle it.

“Everyone else, free game, yeah?” Squealer checks, slapping his brother on the chest to rev him up, not that he needs it, in situations like this Screwy becomes a fuckin’ animal.

The cage stops and the doors open, and all I can see through the dark is a building lit up a few yards away. “We go in hard, but any sign of women and kids, we move out,” Jessie reminds us all.

“Everyone ready?” he checks, and gets greeted by a sea of nods. “Then let’s go.”

I take the back entrance with Prez, Tac and Storm, knowing Jessie is going through the front with the temper twins and Skid. We got Autumn, Grimm, and Thorne covering the perimeter in case anyone thinks they can run out on us, and with Nyx and Brax coming in from each side, we got the place surrounded. I stretch up to peek through the window. Looks like we picked a good time, there’s some sort of meeting taking place and Autumn was bang on with the numbers. I count twenty.

We’re outnumbered, but we have the element of surprise and a whole lot of motivation. I wait for Jessie’s signal, his crash through the front door. And as soon as it comes, we descend into chaos. I kick my way through the back door and charge inside. And I mark out one of the faces I’m looking for straight away.

I don’t care about the bullets that are flying around me as I charge my way across to him. I don’t even pull my weapon, the panic on his face is enough to tell me he ain’t armed.

I grip him up and pull him from the chair he’s sitting in, then without hesitation, I smash his face straight through the glass coffee table he had his legs rested on. Glass shatters, and blood spills. but I keep on slamming him into the broken glass and when I pull him back up onto his feet, I force him to look at me. His face is ripped to shreds, and shards of glass stick out of him all over, but it don’t seem nearly enough.

“You know who I am?” I ask, and the barely conscious cunt manages to shake his head.

“I’m the last face you're gonna see before you die.” I hear the shots coming from behind me and the pained sounds of men falling, but none of that distracts me.

This has become my new drug, the only thing that takes away my suffering.

I pick up a large shard of glass in my hand, not caring that it cuts through my palm as I raise it up and stab it straight into the fucker’s stomach, and when he screams out in agony it sends a rush of satisfaction over me.

Taking out my knife, I slide it into his vertebrae, remembering exactly where Jessie taught me to paralyze, and he feeds me with more of his screams.

I’m starting to really understand what Jessie and Brax get out of this shit.

“I gotta go help my brothers take down your organization,” I whisper “Don't go anywhere, I’ll be back to chat,” I spit on the mother fucker, and leave him to suffer in agony while I go join the fight. I spot another of the men I’m looking for, he’s armed, and is firing blind shots out from behind the upturned couch. I charge toward him, and when he spots me, he fires a shot and runs. The bullet misses, and I pick up my pace, chasing him outside. It doesn’t take much effort for me to catch up and tackle him to the ground.

I turn his body so he’s facing me, and grip at his throat.

“Who were you working for?” I ask as he struggles beneath me.

“Who? I slam him into the ground again, and he tries to reach for the gun he dropped. I snatch it up with my spare hand and hold it against his temple.


“I don’t know who he is. I was just given orders from Alteo.” He quivers beneath me, and I push the barrel deeper into his head.

“I don’t know, I swear. We just do what Alteo tells us and get paid.”

“You gotta know something.”