Page 95 of Forbidden Soul

I take my seat beside Grimm and wait for Prez to sit down.

“We got the all-clear, no women, no kids. We can move in,” he confirms.

“When?” I crack my knuckles, choosing to stare at the table rather than Jessie who’s staring daggers at me opposite.

“Tonight. But we keep it clean. Autumn reckons there’s about twenty. We got the provisions for that Grimm?” Prez asks.

“It’s a stretch, but do-able,” he responds.

“Figure it out, let us know what you need.”

“Anything on our mystery guy?” Nyx asks, gone are the days when he was a reckless kid practicing ink on our skin and rubbing us up the wrong way, he’s a father now with another kid on the way. He’s got his shit together, which is more than I can say for myself.

“Nothing, Mads has been working on it,” Jessie answers, leaning forward on the table. “These are the men we focus on, they were the ones there that night.” He places four mugshots on the table, copies of the ones that I’ve been carrying in my cut pocket since Maddy pulled them from their public record. Turns out these men have a history of assaulting women, and I’m about to do the world a favor.

“There’s a chance they’ve got answers on who hired them. But other than them, we leave no one alive. Show them no mercy. We can’t have any comeback. Tonight ends the war between us and them.”

We agree on that one, I just wish I could kill each and every one of the fuckers solo.

“We move in at twelve am,” Prez slams the gavel down and stands up, then all heads turn toward the door when it bursts open and Tawk stands in front of us.

“I’m coming with you.”

“Get a load of this guy,” Squealer scoffs under his breath, while Brax and Nyx are already on their feet ready to show him out.

“I don’t blame you for what happened to Shaniya,” he’s focusing on me now, and his words fucking sting, does this shithead really think his opinion’s gonna make me feel any better?

“You helped my people, and the men who hurt her are as much our enemy as they are yours,” Tawk explains, and Prez holds off Brax and Nyx, giving him the chance to continue.

“They hurt the woman I’m in love with too. And for that, I want to make them bleed just as much as you do. Let me come with you.” Prez looks at me and shrugs, putting the decision on my shoulders. And when I look back at Tawk, I see something familiar. Eyes that haven't slept because the pain of torturing visions haunt them too much when they close. Who am I to hold the relief of revenge from him?

“You know how to shoot a gun?” I ask.

“I’ve shot a rifle before,” he nods.

“Then be back here at midnight.” I get up out of my chair and move out, making sure to clip his shoulder with mine as I walk out the door.

The atmosphere is strange when we all return to the clubhouse preparing to ride out. My brothers are revved for the fight, especially Squeal and Screw. We check our weapons while the girls sit anxiously.

I tell myself that I’m sparing Shaniya all this shit, that I’m doing the right thing keeping the distance between us. Being an old lady can’t be easy, I don’t know why I didn’t see that before.

Tawk sits and listens intently to what Autumn’s telling everyone. He’s studied the place for a few days now, watched the people come and go. He’s pretty sure there will be a good supply of guns and drugs inside, which will make this profitable for the club as well as satisfying.

Storm's legs are twitching while he listens in. I’ll need to speak to him when all this shit’s over, apologize for placing all the blame on him when really all this is on me.

“Time to go,” Prez tells everyone once we’re briefed.

“Move ‘em out, bitches.” Squealer pulls a dark smile on his face as he slings an AK over his shoulder and heads for the door.

“I haven’t seen ya since all shit went down, how ya been?” I turn around to Autumn. He looks like he actually feels sorry for me, but I don't want his fucking pity.

“I’ll feel better when those fuckers are dead,” I tell him blankly, watching over his shoulder as Jessie kisses Maddy goodbye and Rogue eats Grimm’s face off.

Ella’s crying, apparently pregnancy does that to a bitch, and I can see Nyx ain't feeling good about leaving her like it.

He looks furious as he walks away from her.

“Let's go fuck up some shit,” he scowls under his breath as he passes us.