Page 81 of Forbidden Soul

“Hell yeah,” I smile back at him.

“Come on, let's go tell your girl you're the people’s hero.” He laughs at me and roughs up my hair.

“Do you remember me, sweetheart?” he whispers as his hand squeezes at my face and forces me to gaze into the eyes behind the mask. His hands are so much softer than the other men’s were, and he has no accent that I can distinguish.

Of course, I remember him, this vision has been creeping into my dreams since the night I watched him kill that man behind the bar.

But I can’t respond to him, I’m too numb.

“You remember what I told you would happen if you told anyone what you saw?” His fingers crawl over my bruised body but can’t feel pain anymore. All I know is that I’m bleeding. I saw it on all the men who assaulted me when they took the cover off my face.

“I didn’t tell anyone,” I manage to form words, despite my throat feeling ripped raw from screaming.

The sound of a desperate cry from the other side of the room has me attempting to turn my head but the man on top of me holds my jaw too tight.

“Why do nice girls like you involve themselves with the Souls? Did you think they could actually save your pathetic little village?” He laughs cruelly at me. “I didn’t want to kill you.” His fingers stroke my face. “I saw your innocence that night and I spared you for it.”

His head leans forward and he raises the mask just high enough to expose his mouth. He’s older, I can tell from the wrinkles around his mouth and turned-down lips. Do I recognize him? Something seems familiar.

“Not so innocent now, are we?” he whispers into my ear before he pushes himself inside me.

I have no more screams to give, no more tears left in my eyes. This is different from how the other men handled me, this man is taking his time, he’s almost gentle and it’s so much worse.

His hands touch me tenderly while he invades me over and over again with painful slow thrusts. He kisses my bruised skin softly. And when he’s finally finished with me, he stands tall in front of me.

My head rolls sideways and I see that Storm has been untied, he crawls toward me, his face swollen and battered. But when he reaches out to me, I pull away and curl myself into a ball.

I don’t want to be touched, not by anyone.

“Shaniya,” he says my name, reminding me of who I am, and that all this is real.

How did I get here?

“Shan…” He looks like he’s cried a thousand tears, he’s broken, not just in body but in spirit, and I can’t see anything behind his bright blue eyes anymore.

“Shan, stay with me.” Why is he yelling at me like he’s angry with me?

I feel him grab hold of me, but I don’t pull away this time. I’m too weak.

Storm clings to me as if we’ll drown in the darkness if he lets me go. But it's too late for me. I’ve already sunk to the bottom.

“So how does it feel to be a hero?” Squeal punches me in the arm. Despite all the shit that’s gone down tonight, I can’t keep the smile off my face.

Sliding my hand into my pocket, I feel for the necklace that Shaniya’s uncle gave me. I don’t plan on waiting around to make her my wife. I want her to have the wedding she wants, but I won’t be giving her much time to plan it.

My body is bruised and shattered but I’m pumped so full of energy. I can’t wait to see my girl's face when I tell her everything worked out.

“I say, we get a drink and celebrate,” Squeal massages his huge hands into my shoulders as he pushes me forward.

“I say you take a fuckin’ shower,” I laugh. Squealer was in close range when the bullet went through Cooper’s skull.

“Nah, Krissy likes it dirty.” He sticks out his tongue.

“There’s dirty and there’s brain matter. Take a shower, Squeal,” Nyx cringes.

I’m aware of the state I’m in too, but hell if I’m spending time showering before I see Shaniya. She’s coming home with me tonight, she’s sleeping in my bed, and I don’t care how much it makes me ache, I’m making her come again.

The yard lights are on full beam, and in the distance, I can see people crowded down by the entrance gate. I look at Jessie, who clearly shares my concern because he starts to run. I’m right beside him and I stop at the first person I come to for an explanation. “What’s happened?” I grab a panicked looking Ella by her shoulders and force her to look at me.