Page 80 of Forbidden Soul

“Fuckers got away from us.” Jessie jogs back out of the darkness and heads straight for Prez.

“And the others?” Prez asks.

“Nyx, Brax, and Tac are on their tail,” Jess explains.

Shaniya's uncle comes toward me and given what's just happened on his sacred land, I expect him to be furious. But he surprises me when he steps over Cooper’s dead body, dodging the blood and brains to take my hand in his.

“I owe you and your club my gratitude,” he says graciously. “You fought strong.” He rests his palm on my bare chest and must feel how fast my heart is beating.

His old eyes look tired from the burden of shutting out the world and trying to preserve his culture and although he’ll see this as a victory, it must be bitter sweet because he’s lost some of his pride.

“I’m never gonna expect Shaniya to give anything up for me. We’ll find a balance,” I promise him, not giving a shit who hears me.

“I think you will make a good husband, Trojan.” He nods at me before placing something in my hand and closing my fist around it before I can see what it is.

“A man should give his future wife a gift, I thought this would be fitting.” He removes his hand from over mine so I can open my fist and reveal the leather necklace, there are five beads with a different symbol etched on to them strung through it.

“Strength, forgiveness, love, health, and fertility,” he runs his finger over each one of them.

“Her mother made this for the man she wished to marry.” I want to ask him about that man, and why he isn’t part of Shaniya’s life. But now’s not the time.

“This will mean a lot to her.” I look at the necklace in my hand. Chief nods back at me, confirming that I’ve secured his trust. He has faith in me and my club now, and that's one less complication for me and Shan moving forward.

“We need to clean this up before the women and kids can return,” Calian says, looking around the bloody ring.

“Grimm” I call over to him, but he keeps his mind focused, holding up a finger to silence me, while taking everything in front of him in. His brain must be working overdrive, and I can see he’s in his zone.

“We’ll take care of it,” I assure Calian, and naturally tap him on the shoulder the same way I would one of my club brothers.

“Someone wanna tell me what the fuck just went down?” I turn to ask Jess and Prez when the men leave the three of us alone.

“Dance with the devil, get your soles burned,” Jessie says, watching Burlusconi’s car pull further away.

“I’ll call up Dec, tell him there’s no more threat to the girls.” He pulls out his cell.

“Tell him to keep the tribe women there until this shit’s taken care of,” Prez tells him, as Grimm stalks up behind us.

“What d’ya need?” Prez asks him.

“Half a gram and a fucking miracle,” Grimm sniggers.

“All this open-air, DNA spreads like wildfire.” He takes a long drag on the cigarette he’s holding.

“Transportation’s too much of a risk with Hawker in town.”

“Tell me you got something in that fucked up head of yours,” Prez shakes his head, he looks as worn out as the chief. I guess a near death experience can do that to a guy.

“I’ve always got something, but you’re the one who's telling Rogue I’m gonna be late home tonight.” Grimm backs off and makes his way over to his bike so he can head back to the club and grab what he’ll need.

“We lost ‘em.” Brax looks furious when him and the others return a few minutes later.

“We need to find out where Alteo got to,” Jessie points out after he’s finished speaking to Dec. “We’ll keep your women and kids up at the club until this is sorted,” he turns his attention to the chief, who’s now deep in conversation with Prez.

Heartfelt as all this is, I just want to get back to Shaniya. She’s gonna be so relieved that all this shit is over with.

“You need passage through the reserve in the future, you're welcome,” I hear Chief tell Prez. “And we’d like to help you clean up, this is our mess too.” The two old men shake hands, and I breathe a sigh of relief. My muscles are aching, my bones feel crushed, but I’m still crammed full with energy.

“You ready to celebrate?” Jessie asks.