Page 57 of Forbidden Soul

Jesus, this woman needs to give me chance to speak

“If you break her heart…” She swallows thickly before rushing out the rest of her words. “I will bury you so deep in those woods that your friends on the other side of the hill would never find you.” Her eyes narrow in on me and despite wanting to laugh at her little threat, part of me actually believes her. And I love that Shaniya has someone like her in her life.

“Go,” she dismisses me with a jolt of her head.

“Yes ma’am.” I smile at her, sprinting toward the woods to find out what's made Shaniya so sad.

I head toward the river where I first saw her. I’ll deal with Tawk later, because what Shaniya said before she ran off doesn’t sit fucking right with me, and I ain’t having her devalue herself like that.

I find her sitting on a rock, cradling her knees with her head buried into them, and I hang back to watch her for a while.

I don’t know how, but I sense she needs her space, and it’s not until she stands up and slides off her jeans that I step out into the clearing. Slowly, she edges toward the water, staring into its flow like it holds all the answers.

“Shan.” I make her aware that I’m here, last thing I want to do is scare her, and she turns around, continuing to stare at me as she backs deeper into the water. The cotton panties she’s wearing are already sticking to her skin, turning see-through and revealing the tiny mound of dark hair beneath them.

“What Tawk said about me is true,” she whispers shamefully. The top she’s wearing gets weighed down by the water and falls over her shoulder, and I don’t give a shit if it's right or fucking wrong when I kick off my boots and wade in toward her.

My eyes focus hard on hers as I get closer and pull her against me.

“Don’t say that, ever.” I swipe the hair from her shoulder so I can trace a finger across her collarbone.

“It’s true, Troj.” She sucks in a stuttery breath that makes my chest fucking quiver. “When I’m around you, I have these thoughts, and I… I get these feelings.” Her eyes lower between us, making me aware of how close we are. My cock is rigid beneath my jeans and pressing against her stomach.

“That doesn’t make you a whore,” I tell her softly. “Women are supposed to have needs, same as men do,” I explain.

Her innocence is so adorable it kills me.

“And what are your needs, Troj?” She looks up at me, tears drowning her eyes. “I’ve seen the way women look at you. The thought of you being together with another woman fills me up with this aching…” Her forehead creases when she tries to find a word to describe it.

“Rage,” I help her out. I’ve become familiar with the feeling myself just lately. I feel it every time Tawk looks at her, or Squealer makes a wise-ass comment.

“I’ve told you I’ll wait. What can I do to make you understand that I don’t want anybody else? I get this is complicated, and it’s gonna be difficult, but it’s real,” I assure her.

“I don’t think I want to wait, Troj.” Her fingertips dance over my abs so lightly that my spine tingles. “I get this deep sensation whenever we’re together. Like something’s missing from inside me, and you’re the only person who can give it to me,” she confesses, so sweetly, and I have to remind myself to fucking breathe.

This woman right here will be my fucking ruin.

“I’ve always been so nervous when I thought about laying with Tawk—”

“Shan.” I try and stop her before she can finish, thinking about that shit makes me mad, and now ain’t the time to be mad. Still, she ignores my warning, determined to get her words out.

“I was scared of him putting himself inside me. But with you it’s different, sometimes it’s all I can think about.”


Her hands cross over her stomach and she slowly lifts the top she’s wearing up off her head, before tossing it past me onto the rocks. Then she stands in front of me wearing just those soaked fucking panties.

Taking my hand, she lays it flat against her stomach, then guides me higher so my palm covers one of her breasts.

“This feels right, doesn’t it?” She smiles at me. “So right, that I don’t care if someone catches us.”

I close my eyes and try to remain composed. It's a fucking challenge.

“Shaniya…” I open my eyes, but the girl doesn't even give me the chance to speak. She lunges forward, launching her body onto mine, her legs anchoring around my hips as her mouth covers mine and her tongue slips between my lips.

My cock strains tight into the gap between her legs, and I swear I’ve never felt a pain like it. The way she kisses me is different from any of the times before, it’s full of hunger, and so fucking powerful that I wonder how I’m standing against the current of the water. I lose a little control, filling my fist with a bunch of her hair, and gripping tight to try and stop myself from losing any more restraint.

Shaniya moans into my mouth, and I feel myself harden even more as she grinds her hips against mine, seeking that part inside her that she feels is missing.