Page 58 of Forbidden Soul

“There’s this pulse inside my stomach,” she pulls away from my lips to tell me, and her purity is so fucking adhering that it puts a lump in my throat.

I should doubt that I deserve it, but I don’t, the feelings this girl puts inside me has me doubting nothing when it comes to us.

“Is that normal?” She laughs at herself.

“Yeah, it’s normal, darlin’.” I press my forehead against hers and squeeze her ass cheek with the hand I’m holding her onto me with.

“I worry that I won’t be enough for you. I don’t know how to please a man like they do, but I’ll learn—”

“You're doing a pretty good job from where I’m standing.” I flick my eyes down to the cock that's throbbing between her legs and she snorts another cute little laugh back at me.

“You're enough and more.” I lower my tone so she knows I’m being serious, I ain’t having her think for a second that she’s not enough for me. She’s fucking everything these days. Wading us back through the water, I return us to dry land before I end up stealing the girl’s innocence in the middle of the damn forest.

Placing her feet on the ground, I press my lips to her forehead.

“I have to get back to the club, there’s some shit going down with…” I stop myself before I say too much, when I’m around her I forget myself.

“What is it?” Her eyes stretch open with concern.

“Nothing for you to worry about.” I shake my head at her as I sit on one of the rocks and pull my boots back on, my jeans are soaked but I don’t care.

“Is it the fight, have you found out who you’ll be fighting?” she asks.

“I have, but that’s not what we’re dealing with right now. There’s never a dull day for a Dirty Soul, you sure you want in?” I joke, getting up and shoving my T-shirt over her head. Her top’s far too wet for her to put back on, and I don’t care if the villagers or her uncle notices. I really hope Tawk fucking does. She belongs in my shirt because she's mine.

“More than anything,” she answers my question after her head’s popped up through the collar, and the sincerity on her face takes another chunk right out of my heart.

She forces her arms through the sleeves and I snatch the front of the shirt and pull her closer, touching my lips to hers one more time before I have to leave.

“Come to my cabin tonight.” It’s meant to be an invitation but it comes out much more like an order.

“Are we going to…?” She bites on her lip nervously, reminding me that this girl is too damn fucking cute for the wickedness of this world.

“No,” I shake my head and the apprehension on her face morphs into something that looks a lot like disappointment.

“But I’m gonna sure as hell make that ache go away for ya,” I promise, my eyes slipping low between us. She smiles up at me, and I know she isn’t intentionally trying to look seductive, but she nails it.

I need to get the fuck out of here.

“Troj…” she grabs at me before I can make my way back to the compound. “…I love you.” The way her eyes trap mine when she says the words assures me that she means them, and it strikes me suddenly how precious they are to hear.

“That’s the first time you’ve said that,” I inform her as a dopey assed smile raises itself onto my cheeks.

“Well, I figured since I’m gonna be yours I should tell you.” She giggles, bending down and struggling to get her jeans up over her wet legs.

I nearly take her off her feet when I reach out for her, forcing her back onto my lips, and stealing all the breath out of her by invading her pretty little mouth with my tongue. I should tell her I love her too, but words don’t seem enough for what I feel for her.

“Damn straight, and we’re gonna make this work.” I assure her, before I drag myself away from her and make my way back through the trees.

I decide to stick to the tree line that edges the boundary of the reservation, fully aware of the fact I’m shirtless and wearing soaking wet jeans. I won't have Shaniya get into trouble with her uncle because of me. Which reminds me of the conversation I'm gonna have to have with him before the fight.

The fight that’s only a week away now, and the one I can’t fucking lose.

“Where you been?” Autumn challenges me when I get to the gym a few hours later. I’m still smiling, thinking about what Shan said to me before I left. I don’t know how the fuck it’s happened, but if having a girl like her tell you that she loves you ain’t a reason to feel fucking good about yourself, I don’t know what the hell is.

“Finished felting Tayen and Calian’s roof,” I explain, starting to glove up.

“Jesus Christ, Troj, what's with the fucking savior routine?” Autumn slams his hand hard into the canvas of the ring. “You got one week until you step into the ring for the toughest fight you’ll ever fight. And you're out there rebuilding fucking villages.”