Page 40 of Forbidden Soul

“Together.” I sit up so abruptly that I almost knock heads with him.

“You said you wanted to stay till mornin’?” he reminds me.

“Yes but…”

“Shaniya, I made you a promise and I fully intend to keep it. I’m good at the whole self-control thing.”

“Really?” I raise an eyebrow and then take a glance down at his knuckles.

“That's different, and I went easy on him,” he assures me, standing up and holding out his hand. “You can trust me.”

“I do.” I smile as I take his hand and let him raise me off the couch. He leads me into his room and takes off his top. Then, he opens the covers out to me. I prove that I really do trust him by slipping out of the dress I’m wearing, and I watch his eyes explore my body. It makes me feel a sense of power and after I sink down and get under the sheets, he gets in beside me and pulls my body against his.

“Night darlin’,” he whispers, planting a kiss on my cheek. The steady beat in his chest against my back and the warmth of his body beside mine make me feel secure, and I let myself slip into a deep sleep.

Sun creeps through the window and warms the skin on my face. Sun…

“Troj, wake up.” I shake his body and watch a sweet sleepy smile lifting his cheeks. “Troj, I was supposed to be back in the village by sunrise. It’s…” I lean over him to check the clock on his nightstand.

“7.30! Holy shit.” I panic.

Troj rolls over slowly, laughing at me.

“What’s so funny?” I dash out of bed, quickly stepping inside my dress.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard ya curse, and it’s hot as hell,” he tells me, straining all his muscles out when he stretches his arms above his head. It should be illegal to look that good in the mornings.

“Troj, I’m gonna be in so much trouble. Dyanni wasn’t happy about this to begin with, and I can’t sneak back now, people will already be up and doing stuff around the village.” Troj gets up and rounds the bed to stand in front of me.

“Calm down.” He gathers my hair in his hands and pulls it over one of my shoulders, kissing my cheek on the other side softly. “Now you’re with me, you don’t have to worry about that shit. I’ll take care of it.”

“How? We need this to stay between us until all the fighting is over.” I’m doing a terrible job of keeping calm.

“It will stay between us. No one around here shows their face before nine, unless there’s something important happening. Just tell your uncle you left the village early to come to help Marilyn prepare breakfast.”

“And what about Dyanni?” I tilt my head as his kisses continue down my neck.

“I’ll deal with her,” he tells me in between dabs of his lips.

“Good luck with that.” I laugh.

“Come on, I’ll ride you down to the club before anyone wakes up. You can help Marilyn feed the families who are still sleeping at the clubhouse.”

“And what will you do?” I ask, wondering if I’ll get the opportunity to see him again today.

“I’ll be at the gym, training so I can save your village and get myself in your uncle’s good books.” He straightens his neck to look at me.

“Good luck with that too.” I move fast to kiss his cheek before I head for the bathroom.

I try to make myself look somewhat presentable and when I come back out, Troj is already dressed, looking like one of the guys from the fragrance adverts I saw on the TV last night. He makes his way past me into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and makes no comment about the fact I’ve used his toothbrush.

“You ready?” He makes me fully aware of how long I’ve been staring at him when he comes back out. And when I nod at him, he opens the door to lead us outside.

“Oh shit,” I hear him say under his breath, as his body stops moving forward and he quickly turns back around to face me. “I’m sorry.” He looks at me apologetically.

“Well, well, well who's been a bad boy?” a female voice comes from my right and when I turn toward it, I see the most attractive girl I’ve ever set eyes on. She’s blonde and petit, with tattoos covering every inch of skin on one of her arms. And her eyes are rolling over me judgingly.

“Rogue,” she introduces herself, holding out her hand for me, and when I take it, she shakes it so forcefully I worry she’ll break my wrist.