Page 41 of Forbidden Soul

“Shaniya.” I smile back.

“Spent the night, I see.” The smirk on her face is directed at Troj.

“Actually, I was just—”

“Oh relax,” she waves her hand. “I’m not like the other bitches around here, I don’t need to know your business. Your secret's safe with me.” She winks at Troj, and I nod back at her awkwardly, not really sure what to say.

“Rogue, you keep your mouth shut about this,” Troj warns.

“Where ya heading to?” There’s something playful about the way she talks.

“Shaniya’s gonna go help Marilyn in the kitchen.”

“Great, she can ride down with me, throw ‘em off the scent.” She over exaggerates another wink at me and shoves her elbow into Troj’s ribs, and before I can protest she grabs at my arm and starts pulling me toward a rusty looking pick-up truck.

I look back helplessly at Troj, who mouths me another sorry as I’m dragged further away from him. Rogue jumps in the driver’s seat and I hop into the passenger’s side, copying her when she pulls the belt over herself and snaps it into the other side of the seat. Then I watch as she pulls down a flap from the roof that contains a mirror and runs a stick of bright red color over her lips. She pops them together loudly before pushing the flap back up.

“So, Troj. Nice choice.” She looks at me, turning on the engine and shifting the stick. We hurtle backward and I hold tight to the handle above the door as we jitter forward and skid off. The road seems much bumpier than usual, the truck bouncing heavily over the potholes. “Are you two like a thing or are you just fuckin?” she asks, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

“Fucking?” I try to remember what the word means, I know it’s something offensive.

“You're cute, I like it.” Rogue smiles brightly. “What I mean is, are you and Trojy doing the dirty?” she explains, and I feel my face and neck heat up.

“Oh come on don’t be shy.” She slaps my leg.

“We aren't having intercourse,” I assure her quietly, so quietly I’m surprised she even hears me.

“You’re telling me you spent the night at his, and you didn’t do the dirty?” She takes her eyes off the track to widen them at me.

“I’ve only just met him.”

Rogue throws her head back and laughs, taking her attention from the track again and making me nervous.

“Troj is interested, you know that right?” she informs me as we pull up at the yard outside the clubhouse.

“Yes, he made his intentions clear,” I inform her.

“You want my advice?” She rests her elbow over the steering wheel and tilts her head at me.

“I guess,” I shrug my shoulders.

“You need to make sure the whores around here know he’s off-limits. Troj is…” she contemplates the right word to use in her head. “…he’s sought after. The guy's handsome, he’s respectful and there’s plenty of bitches around here who would hang up their whore heels to be his old lady.”

“Old lady?” I ask, really getting confused.

“Bitch, significant other, partner in crime. You get it?” Rogue explains. “You need to own your boy, the same way he owns you.” She slides out of the truck and slams the door.

“It’s hard.” I get out myself and race after her, I need someone to confide in about all of this. There’s so much to get my head around. “I can’t have anyone know about us yet. Things are complicated. My uncle won’t approve.” Rogue stops walking toward the garage and turns back around.

“If one of these men decide they want you, trust me, there is nothing or nobody that will stop them,” Rogue tells me with a wide smile on her face.

“Why do I get the feeling I’m way out of my depth here?” I speak my thoughts out loud, and Rogue chuckles at me.

“Because you are, and now you only got two choices. You tread water, or you fuckin’ drown.” She flicks her blonde hair over her shoulder as she turns and heads toward the garage, and I sigh as I take in everything she’s said. Maybe she’s right, I’ve noticed the way women look at Troj, of course, they would want him. I also know that all men have needs, especially men like him. Can I honestly expect him to wait until we’re married before I give myself to him?

The instinct to trust him is rooted so deep in my gut that I have no other choice, and as I look around the yard I try to imagine this place being a part of me too. I wonder what my mother would say to me if she were here. Something tells me that she would like Troj, she’d appreciate the way he takes care of me.

I walk into the clubhouse and take the stairs up to the dining hall. One of the Soul’s passes me. He’s big and bald with tattoos covering his neck and arms. I remember seeing him at the tattoo studio the night I was stranded in town.