Page 35 of Forbidden Soul

“You use that to shoot our security guy?” I ask, grabbing him by his scruff and forcing him onto his feet.

“Shit!” I hear the guy on the floor sigh when it hits him how much trouble they’re in.

“I don’t know how things work where you come from, but in these parts, men who try and force themselves on women pay a price,” Jessie explains, twisting the handle of his knife in his hand.

“They were fuckin’ whores,” the mouthy one in the trio pipes up, and I spin around and land one on his jaw.

“They’re dancers,” I correct him.

“The club is Dirty Souls property, the women are too. You disrespect them, you disrespect us. And do I need to tell you what happens to people that disrespect us?” Jessie continues, gripping the guy who spoke up by his hair and wrenching his head back. I see the fear in the guy’s eyes as he shakes his head.

“Well, we like to toss ‘em around a little bit between us, like cats playing with a mouse.” Jessie crouches down so he’s speaking into the guy’s face. “We take our time, make sure the lesson we’re teaching really sinks in.” Pressing the tip of his knife into the man's temple, he slowly turns it like a screwdriver.

“We’re only in town for a night. We’re moving on. We’re sorry, ain’t we, boys?” the sorry piece of shit whimpers, and Jessie laughs at him before looking across at me.

“You think that’s good enough, Troj?” he asks.

“Not even close. I hear Lucy got banged up pretty bad when she told one of these pricks she wasn’t gonna suck his cock for free. I’ll bet that was you?” I focus on the guy in front of me. “Can’t get a chick sucking your dick without having to force her?” I snigger.

“Enough fuckin’ talkin’. I don’t know about you ladies but I came here to for some fuckin’ action.” Squealer cracks his knuckles as he steps forward, then slams his boot hard into the naked guy on the floor’s stomach. All the air rushes from his mouth and I shrug my shoulders at Jessie before getting stuck in, slamming my fist into the guy nearest to me for a second time.

The rest of the gang gets to work too. The poor guy on the floor gets the twins, and Nyx joins in with Jessie on the other one. I feel my cell vibrate inside my cut pocket and press my heel into the throat of fucker who's on the floor in front of me to keep him still while I answer it.

“What’s going on, I got three missed calls from Jessie, and now he ain’t picking up?” Brax asks, and I have to hold my hand over my other ear to drown out the noise so I can hear him.

“We had some trouble over at the Black Pearl, we’re dealing with it now.”

“That fighting I can hear?”

“I told you we’re sorting it, didn’t I?” I smirk to myself, slamming the sole of my boot into the guy’s face when he starts to struggle.

“Where you at?”

“A motel out at Colorado Springs. We should be finished up soon.”

I know for a fact, Brax will be gutted he missed out on the action.

“You could ride over to the strip club and check in with the girls. One of the security guys got shot in the leg so they might be shaken up. We’ll be heading there when we’re done here.”

“Gotcha, see ya there, and Troj…” he catches me before I can hang up. “How many?”

“Just three little ones,” I answer.

“Is it a Grimm kinda job?”

“No need to call in the reaper on this one, we’re just educating,” I tell him before cutting the call.

When we’re convinced the three stodges have learned their lesson, Nyx ties the naked one to a chair. While Screwy and Squeal work on tying the other two to the bed. Two of them are still unconscious but the one who ain’t is making a hella lot of noise, so Jessie slams his knuckles into his nose to shut him, then wipes the blood from his hand on his jeans before he takes out a cigarette and sparks it up.

“Call it in,” he orders Nyx before taking back a deep toke.

Nyx pulls out his cell and scrolls through his contacts.

“Roswell, it’s Nyx. Yep, caught up with ‘em just outside of Colorado Springs. The Archer's motel… Course, we fuckin’ did.” He laughs. “They ain’t going nowhere in a hurry, you boys can take your time.”

One of them moans as he comes to, and I send him straight back out with an elbow to the temple.

“Roswell will be here soon,” Nyx tells us, tucking his cell back in his pocket. “Unfortunately for you fuckers, a customer took our guy straight to the ER, so there’s gonna have to be a police report. And we’re all about keeping the streets clean,” Jessie explains to the one who’s still able to focus.