Page 36 of Forbidden Soul

“Sit pretty, fuckers,” Squeal ruffles one of the guy's hair as he heads out followed by his brother, and I hang back with Jessie, waiting until we’re alone.

“VP, you need me to come with?” I hate to bail on them, but there’s more than enough of them to deal with shit back at the strip club, especially with Brax meeting them there.

“Troj, we’re going to your favorite place in the world.” Jess looks at me, confused, before he stubs his smoke out on the cheek of the guy closest to him.

“I got something back at my cabin I need to take care of.” I give him some lame assed version of an explanation.

“The cute native kinda something?” He smirks, his head nodding slowly proving he’s impressed. “Maddy tells me she’s intelligent.”

“Her name’s Shaniya, and we’re keeping things discreet,” I admit to him.

“I hear ya, brother. You head back to it, just stop by the clubhouse on the way and let Prez know how things went here.”

“Why ain't he here?” I ask, suddenly curious, usually, Prez likes in on the action.

“The old man ain't getting his kicks from this shit no more I guess,” Jessie shrugs. “Nyx said Joanne made a visit to Ella earlier today and between me and you, I think that bitch still fucks with his head.”

“I get it.” I nod back, thinking of the power Shaniya has been holding over me since I saw her for the first time. It’s crazy how losing her now ain’t an option I’m willing to consider.

“I’ll check in on him on the way home,” I assure Jessie, before he heads into the motel office to slip the receptionist some cash for her silence.

I get home and quietly open the front door, creeping inside. It’s late, Ell and Dylan are bound to be asleep, so carefully I step out of my boots and leave them in the kitchen. I move silently up the hall to check in on Dylan before I go to bed, pushing open his door as quietly as I can.

“Shit!” I jump when I see a shadow in the dark, and my heart stops beating for a few seconds.

“What the fuck you doin’? You damn near gave me a heart attack,” I whisper shout at Prez, who’s sitting in the nursing chair beside the cot.

“I’m just looking in,” he tells me, not taking his eyes off my sleeping boy.

“Yeah, well you scared the shit out of me,” I tell him, stepping closer to the cot, and carefully slipping a blonde curl off Dylan’s forehead.

“How’d it go?” Prez asks.

“It went good, the others went back to the Black Pearl to check on the girls.”

“Why you wet, it ain’t raining?” He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously.

“I took a shower down at the clubhouse. Ella’s rules say club shit stays on the other side of the front door,” I explain.

“That's a good fuckin’ rule.” Prez nods his head slowly. He’s been deep in thought lately, this shit with Cooper’s really fucking with his head.

“You still haven’t said what you're doing here, is Ell okay?” I start to panic, she was looking tired when I left earlier. I know the baby’s still making her sick, and she’s ignoring everything I tell her and doing too much.

“She’s fine, I just didn’t like the idea of them being here alone,” the old man shrugs, standing up and touching his hand softly over my son's chest.

“You ever look at him and wonder what he’ll be?” Prez asks me.

“Every fuckin’ day” I smile down at him, the kid’s flipped my life upside down, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t even remember what my life was like before him.

“You think he’ll want all this?” Prez asks, and I look down at the Dirty Soul's signet ring on Prez’s finger, all the founding members have one, Jessie wears the one his father did, and one day I know my son will wear Prez’s.

“Does he have a choice?” I huff a laugh.

“He’ll always have a choice,” Prez tells me seriously, his face looking like he’s feeling pain as he stares at his grandson thoughtfully. “You think him and her have changed your life, kid. It ain’t nothing compared to what they’ve done to mine. All this ya got, I never had it. I never wanted it.” He shakes his head and laughs sadly. “I didn’t see the value in family. I was too selfish, all that mattered back then was building this club.”

“I hear ya, Prez.”

“Go be with your wife, Nyx. I’ll see you in the morning.” Prez taps my back before heading for the door, then stops just before he makes it.