Page 132 of Forbidden Soul

“I really don’t know what to say,” I laugh through happy tears.

“You don’t have to say anything at all. All that matters is you’re where you should be now. You belong here. And you and me got all the time in the world to get to know each other, we’ll just take each day as it comes.”

“I can’t believe I have a brother,” I say it again, and he throws his arms around my shoulder and shifts me closer.

“Troj better watch his ass,” he laughs.

“What you two laughing at?” Troj asks as he crosses the yard to us, and Jessie smirks at me.

“Oh, you’re not ready for this one, brother,” he shakes his head and sniggers.

“Try me.” Troj pulls me up onto my feet and wraps me up in his arms.

“I just found out who my father is,” I start explaining.

“What! Shan, that’s amazing. Who?” I can tell from the tone of his voice how excited Troj is for me.

“It’s Brian Donavon,” I say my father’s name and wait for his reaction.

“Brian Don…” his eyes shift over to Jessie. “Ain’t that… No.” His mouth hangs open.

“Yep,” Jessie confirms.

“But that means, you guys are…” he shakes his head in disbelief.

“Gives us a lot to think about, Troj.” Jessie gets that dangerous look in his eyes, but it only lasts a little while.

“I’m still processing this,” Troj looks beyond shocked.

“Oh trust me, so are we,” Jess agrees.

“It’s a lot to take in. But I’m excited about it,” I admit, reaching forward and taking my brother’s hand in mine.

“Me too.” Jessie returns my smile. “I’m gonna go inside and break the news to Mads, you’ll probably hear her screaming from out here. But seriously, we’ll talk about this, whenever you're ready. I got more photos, and some great fuckin’ memories,” he tells me.

“I’d like to hear them,” I tell him, feeling a strange sense of fulfillment as I watch him walk away.

“So I’ve married my best friend’s sister?” Troj raises an eyebrow at me as he slides his hands around my back and forces us together.

“I really do belong here, don’t I?” I look up at my husband, feeling like I could burst into tears from all the emotions I’m feeling.

“You sure do, darlin’,” he assures me, kissing my lips and lifting me off my feet.

I wake up to a loud banging on the cabin door, and quickly slide out of bed so it doesn't disturb Shaniya. She had a restful night last night and I want her to sleep for as long as possible.

“You got some nerve banging on a man’s door the mornin’ after his wedding,” I fling it open, expecting Jessie.

I’m completely thrown off when it’s not him, but Tawk who stands in front of me.

“What can I do for you?” I scratch the back of my head, suddenly aware that I’m only wearing boxers while I wait for him to tell me why he’s banging my door at the ass crack of dawn.

“I heard them talking last night. You know who he is, don’t you?” I check over my shoulder before I step out onto the porch and close the door behind me.

“Yeah, we know, but she don’t yet,” I hiss. “He’s an ATF detective, and right now he seems to have fallen off the planet,” I tell him, leaning on the railing and feeling the wood splinter my palm when I squeeze my frustration out on it. I’ve been trying hard not to think about Hawker since I found out. But the wedding’s over now, and I can put my focus back into finding him.

“So that’s it. We just sit back and wait for him to show up again?” Tawk asks.

“No, that ain't it,” I shake my head, has he’s lost his damn fucking mind?