Page 133 of Forbidden Soul

“We find him, then we kill him. But he ain't gonna be easy to track down. He’s government-protected. Do you really think I’m gonna rest before he’s dead?” I question, keeping my voice low so Shan can’t hear. And Tawk shakes his head.

“We got a church meeting at noon, we’ll be putting a plan together then,” I tell him, wanting to get back to Shaniya. I’ve got a surprise planned for her today and I want it to be perfect.

“I’m coming,” Tawk tells me with a determined look in his eyes. But I laugh him down and shake my head.

“Last I checked you weren't a member of the club, non-members don’t come to church, but I’ll keep you informed.” I pat him on the shoulder and go to head back inside.

“Then make me a member,” he says, causing me to pause in my tracks. And when I turn back around, the look on his face tells me he’s being fuckin’ serious.

“You can’t just become a member, you have to work for it, become a Prospect. Do you even know how to ride a motorcycle?”

“I’ll learn,” he shrugs his shoulders.

“You don’t learn what we do Tawk, it’s got to be in ya.”

“I want the man who hurt Shaniya dead.” He steps forward. “I want my people to be protected from threat if it ever attacks us again. And I’m prepared to kill to make that happen.” He stares me right in the eye with sheer determination. “I was with you that night we took those men down. I stood beside you like a brother then, and I helped kill the people that deserved to be dead. I liked how it felt,” he admits, almost like he’s ashamed. “Don’t doubt for a second that I ain’t got it in me.”

“All new members need a sponsor before they get considered for a Prospect position, you don’t have an in,” I point out.

“I got you,” he raises his eyebrows hopefully, and now I really do fucking laugh.

“You want me to be your sponsor?” I check I got this right.

“We have a shared interest,” he reminds me, and as much as that grates on my nerves, I can’t hate a man who wants to protect her.

“I can’t stop loving her,” he admits to me openly. “It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t feel the same. I was raised to protect her, and I can’t just switch that instinct off.”

“Jesus Christ,” I roll my eyes, almost relieved when we suddenly get interrupted by the cabin door opening. But when Shaniya steps out, that relief is short-lived when I realize she’s wearing a T-shirt that barely covers her ass.

“Mornin’, darlin’.” I step in front of her, kissing her lips, and making sure my body shelters hers from prying eyes.

“What’s going on out here?” she asks sleepily.

“Go back inside, I’ll come make you some breakfast,” I urge her back through the door.

“Tawk, you staying for breakfast?” she pops her head through the gap in the door brightly, and I throw him a warning look over my shoulder that tells him that he ain’t.

“Not today, thanks for the offer though.” He backs off the porch and I quickly follow Shaniya in, shutting the door behind us.

There’s a strange atmosphere in church. I get congratulations, and a ridiculous amount of wedding night jokes from Squealer. Words spread about Jessie and Shaniya so there’s a lot of shock to get over too. Especially from Prez, who had no idea he wasn’t the only original member with a secret kid.

But when the hype soon dies down, we get to the business we’re all here to discuss.

The Hawker situation.

Prez has invited Roswell to join the table so we can pick his brains.

“So you're saying he put the idea in Cooper’s head to buy the reserve, knowing it would put us out of business and get Shaniya out of town at the same time.” Tac tries to catch up.

“It's what a sensible man would do,” Jessie shrugs.

“I have no idea what Danny had on him. I’ve searched his office, I just hope Maddy can get something from his computer.” Roswell shakes his head, still confused. He’s angry, and judging from the look I’m seeing on his face, he doesn’t want this done the legit way. He wants it done our way.

He wants proper justice for his deputy. The type that he knows we serve best.

Which is good because that’s the only way it’s happening.

“Hawker’s club priority right now. He left town because he’s lost his backbone but that doesn’t mean he won’t be back,” Prez tells the table.