Page 114 of Forbidden Soul

“Troj was being an ass then, and now he’s being an even bigger one,” Rogue explains.

“You’re not really inspiring me to want to come back,” I laugh awkwardly.

“What she means is that Troj is off the rails.” Grimm shocks me when he speaks up, shaking his leg to shoo the cat away.

“And you want me to help with that?” I ask, still trying to catch up.

“I don't know if he doesn’t know it himself, or if he just doesn’t want to admit it, but Troj needs you. He’s spent every second you’ve been gone, tirelessly trying to find the man who hurt you,” Rogue explains, and fear breaks out over my body in sharp tingles when I think about that man.

“He mustn’t do that. That man's dangerous,” I panic.

“Not as dangerous as Troj is at the moment,” Rogue informs me, looking up at Grimm.

“I’d never ask you to set yourself back for the sake of him. If you tell me that you're happy here and that you don’t miss him. If you don’t think you can forgive him for the shit way he’s treated you, we’ll leave here now, and I swear to never bother you about it again. But if there's that tiny—”

“I miss him,” I blurt the words out loud, words that I keep denying myself.

“Then you best go pack your shit,” Rogue smiles.

“What if he rejects me again?” I ask, doubting the instinct inside me that’s telling me to go with them.

“Then he’s an idiot. Please trust me on this, Shaniya. Troj needs you.” I see the honesty in her eyes. Rogue really does believe that I can help, she wouldn’t be here if she didn’t.

There’s nothing to keep me here. Loneliness is no fun, and the thought of seeing familiar faces back at the reservation and at the club has me feeling excited for the first time in weeks.

“I’ll come,” I smile at them both.

“We bringing this thing too?” Rogue crouches down and lifts Sphynx under his belly, holding him up to her face and studying him over.

“Well, technically it’s not mine, but…”

“Put the kitty in the truck, Grimm.” She forces Sphynx into his chest and he takes a pace backward.

“I don’t know if we should, he has an owner,” I point out.

“Grimm, take the pussy,” Rogue ignores me and raises her eyebrows at him, and eventually he gives in, wrapping his tattooed arm around Sphynx’s body and marching out the door.

“Let's get you packed.” Rogue claps her hands.

The drive back to Colorado goes so much faster with Grimm driving. We made an overnight stop at a motel along the way, and all I’ve thought about is what I’ll say to Troj when we get back.

That’s if he even wants to speak to me.

I’ve gone through all the stages of doubt. I’ve felt slithers of excitement, and just about every other emotion possible during the car journey.

But I never imagined I’d feel the way I do when we drive through the gates of the Blue Spruce Resort.

I feel like I’m home…

“Oh my god, you’re back,” Maddy runs at me when I walk through the clubhouse doors. Instead of smoke and stale alcohol, it smells good in here.

Marilyn’s cooking kind of good.

Maddy wraps me up in a welcoming hug that almost takes me off my feet.

“What are you doing back here?” she asks me, leading me over to the table where she was sitting with Ella and Grace. Both of them look equally as pleased to see me.

“I fetched her back to sort Troj out,” Rogue explains, heading straight for the bar.