Page 113 of Forbidden Soul

“For the club, huh?” He frowns back at me doubtfully.

“Yep, we’re leaving in an hour, it’s all very…” I draw a zip along my lips with my thumb and finger.

“What did you do?” He cups his hand under my jaw roughly, squeezing tight and forcing me to look up at him.

“I actually did nothing… This time. Me and you are heading to Long Beach to bring Troj’s girl home.”

“Shit.” He shakes his head and sighs. “Do you really think he needs any more provoking?” Grimm relaxes a little, pressing his mouth onto mine and filling me with his tongue before he releases me to do up his belt.

“I think this is exactly what he needs to get him back to being him again,” I explain.

“I don't like this.” Grimm’s dark eyes glare at me through the hair that’s fallen over them, and I slide my hand through it to place it back and to the side where it belongs.

“I ain’t asking you to like it. I’m asking you to be supportive.”

“And if I’m not?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

“Then I guess I’ll just be going to Long Beach all by myself.” I shrug before strutting out the door and heading off to pack.

I snuggle up on the couch ready for another Saturday night alone. I’ve decided to let Sphinx inside for company again and he seems comfortable enough curled at my feet.

I look at my phone and consider messaging Maddy or Rogue. Speaking to them always makes me feel closer to him, and I haven’t been hearing much about what's going on at the club lately. Maybe I should pluck up the courage to ask how Troj is, I never mention him to them and I’m pretty sure that’s why they don’t talk about him either.

I’m too scared to know how he is.

There’s no answer that will satisfy me. I don’t want to hear that he’s hurting, but I don’t want to hear that he’s moving on either.

My heart starts to thud when my door knocks and I shoot up from my relaxed position, immediately on guard.

I don’t think anyone's ever knocked on my door before. Maybe it’s Sphinx's owner looking for him, he’s been spending more and more time here lately.

Another loud rap comes and I quietly creep toward the door to look through the peephole, almost stumbling backward when I see who’s standing on the other side.

“Rogue!” I quickly undo the locks and fling open the door, throwing my arms around her neck. I close my eyes and squeeze her so tight I swear it takes the breath out of her for a second.

“Good to see you too.” She laughs, taking my shoulders firmly and putting some distance between us.

I glance over her shoulder to Grimm, who greets me with a stiff nod and no expression at all.

“What are you doing here?” I step out of their way so they can come inside. “It’s so good to see familiar faces,” I tell them, and it’s true, even Grimm’s less friendly one feels like a comfort.

“We’ve come to take you home.” Rogue beams back at me, like what she’s just revealed to me doesn’t fall like a bomb.

“Home, why? Is my uncle okay?” I suddenly panic.

“Your uncle’s fine. But I really need you to come with us.” Rogue looks around my tiny apartment, screwing up her nose when she spots Sphynx curled up in a ball on the couch.

“Why do you need me to come?” I ask, shifting Sphynx away so Grimm and Rogue can take a seat. Neither of them take the hint, and Grimm stares down at Sphynx warningly when he leisurely rolls his neck over his leg and purrs.

“I’d rather explain when we’re on the road,” Rogue says awkwardly.

“Oh no, it’s Troj isn’t it, is he okay?” I cover my hand over my mouth when a sick feeling weighs down my stomach.

“No, he ain't okay,” Rogue tells me, taking my hand in hers. “He ain’t coping well,” she admits with a long sigh.

I find it difficult to believe he’s struggling when he’s been so cut off from me.

“I don’t know if I can go back, Rogue, I’ve made a life for myself here.” What I’m telling her is kind of the truth, just a better version of it. “And Troj really didn’t seem to want me around before I left, I don’t see how I can help.” I look to Grimm who’s still throwing dagger eyes at Sphynx.