Page 82 of Forbidden Soul

“I don’t know, a van pulled up at the gates. They threw out two bodies and sped off.”

“Bodies? Whose?” I yell.

“I don’t know, Skinner and Locke rode off after the van. Everyone else is down there now.

“Hey,” Nyx charges me out of the way when he sees how worried she’s looking.

“Ella where's Dylan?” he asks.

“He’s fine, Marilyn’s got him inside.”

“You should be inside too.”

“But I wanna—”

“Just get inside the fuckin’ clubhouse, Ell,” he shouts before sprinting toward the gate, and I race down the track after him to find out what the hell's going on.

Soon as I get there I know it’s serious, I don’t like the way the girls are looking at me. It’s pitiful and I tell myself it’s because my face is all busted up and I’m covered in blood, but as the crowd slowly parts for me to get through them, I see what it’s all about.

Maddy’s crouched on her knees, crying as she holds a body tight to hers, Grace has stripped out of her hoodie and is wrapping it around the shaking figure Maddy’s holding in her arms.


Just like the first day I saw her, my feet remain rooted to the ground as I take in the fact it’s my girl they’re holding.

Storm watches over them, he looks almost unrecognizable and barely fucking standing, and when his eyes make contact with mine, all I see in them is guilt.

But I can’t be worrying about Storm, I’ve got to get to her.

I force myself forward, pulling her limp body away from Mads and lifting her up into my arms. She’s freezing fucking cold and shaking uncontrollably. Her clothes are ripped, hanging from her body, and there’s blood, so much fucking blood.

The bright light in front of me makes me squint. And I realize it’s a cage coming toward me. I quickly rush toward the passenger door, swinging it open and lifting Shaniya inside. Then once I’m inside myself, I pull her back on me and yell at Screwy to drive to the hospital.

Switching on the interior light I check her over, and it makes my stomach clench when I see the mess of her face. Her lip’s split open, she’s bruised all over. Blood mats in her long black hair, and there's fingerprints bruised into the skin covering her neck and chest.

I try so hard to keep it together for her, but the rage inside me burns beyond control.

“Shan,” I try and stir her from her trance. But she’s lost. Her eyes are open but there's no soul left behind them.

“Shan,” I shake her, probably harder than I should, but I need something. Anything.

“Tell me what happened, who did this to you?” I ask.

“Five,” her voice, sounds scratchy and unfamiliar.

“One. Two. Three… Four… Five,” she repeats weakly, her eyes staring forward and focusing on the road in front of us.

“Five what?” I push her for more.

I need fucking information.

“Monsters,” she tells me, her eyes finally looking up to fix on mine. Her pupils are dilated larger than I’ve seen anyone's. I’ve stared death in the face many times before and it’s never looked as black as her eyes do now.

“They took it in turns.” Her voice cracks into a sob as a lone tear spills out of her eye and rolls down her cheek. And her words crush me from the inside out. I feel my own hands trembling as they hold her tighter against me, and my chest beats against hers with the fury of a stampede.

Once she starts crying, she doesn't stop and I can’t take the agony of looking at her anymore, so I tuck her head under my chin and hold her against me so the pain in her eyes doesn't swallow me up.

I want to tell her everything’s gonna be okay. That she’ll be okay. But how can I after what she’s been through?