Page 37 of Forbidden Soul

“I’m real proud of ya,” he growls without turning around, and I can’t help smiling to myself as he sees himself out.

I place a kiss on the little guy's head then cover him with his blanket before I head back out to the kitchen to lock the door.

When I get to our room I find Ella fast asleep in the middle of the bed, she’s kicked off the covers, just like Dylan had, and is laying on her side. She looks hot as hell in just her boy shorts and the tank top that’s risen up over her growing stomach.

Quietly as I can, I get out of my clothes and then snuggle up behind her, pulling the sheet back over us. My mouth touches her neck while my hand slides across her tummy.

“You’re cold,” she moans, straining her ass against my crotch.

“What time is it?” she asks sleepily, keeping her eyes closed.

“Late,” I whisper.

“You’ve woken her up,” she places her hand over mine and peers over her shoulder at me.

“Him,” I correct her. Ell’s got herself convinced we’re having a girl. Sometimes I think she tells me that just to put the fear of God in me.

“Tayen said it's a girl and her theory has never been wrong,” she assures me, shifting to roll onto her back.

“How’d it go tonight?” she asks before I get to call bullshit.

“Good.” I draw circles around my wife’s belly button.

“Anyone get hurt?”

“Only the ones that were supposed to.” I look up from where I’m concentrating to smirk at her, and she rolls her eyes at me.

“Did you know your dad was hanging out here when I got back?” I ask.

“Yeah, you know how he gets after he’s seen Mom,” she says, looking down at my hand sadly.

“You tell her about the baby?” I know that's why Ella invited her over for lunch today, and I know how nervous she was about it.

“Yeah, she didn’t have a lot to say about it.” Ella shrugs her shoulders like it don’t bother her, but I know it fuckin’ does.

“She don’t matter, Ell. We got everything we need right here.”

“Not if Ivan Cooper gets his way.” She sighs, and as I watch the tears start to form in her eyes, it makes me want to find the cunt myself and run a blade across his fuckin’ throat.

“Hey, I don’t want you worrying about any of that shit right now, it ain’t gonna happen. Troj is gonna kick ass.”

“I love it here, Nyx, I’ve got everything I ever wanted. I want that for her and Dylan.” She rubs her hand over her stomach.

“Him,” I correct her again, trying to take her mind off the whole damn subject.

I hate seeing her fucking cry.

“Shit.” I jump for the second time tonight when I feel something shift under my palm. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt anything like it, Ella’s been saying for a few weeks she can feel the baby moving but I felt that for myself.

“I told you you’d woken her up.” Ella giggles, brushing the tears out of her eyes, and it's the best sound in the fuckin’ world.

“That’s insane.” I shake my head, pressing my hand tighter to her skin and hoping to feel it again. Ella places her hand over mine and smiles at me.

“It’s nice sharing things with someone this time around.” I feel a little splinter dig into my heart when I think that she had to do all this by herself with Dylan. It wouldn’t have happened if I’d have known, and those months we spent apart will always be my biggest regret.

“I ain’t gonna miss a thing this time,” I promise, leaning down to kiss just above where my hand rests.

“Listen to me, Mrs. Carson,” I trail kisses back up her body until my eyes are level with hers, “You don’t stress about nothing, you just focus on taking care of her.” I look down between us before kissing her lips, and just as I’m about to slip her my tongue, she pushes her hand against my shoulder to push me away.