Page 38 of Forbidden Soul

“So we’re in agreement, it’s a girl.” Ella beams back at me, and I can’t help smiling back at her in defeat.

How the fuck did I get so lucky?

“Whatever it is, if you’re giving it to me. It’s gonna be perfect.” I go back to kissing her, grabbing her thigh, and hooking it around my hip. Then pulling those pretty shorts to one side with my finger, I get to work reminding my wife that she got a little lucky too.

I’m far too distracted by the television and all the things Troj said to me before he left to notice how long he’s been gone.

Maybe people have the outlaws wrong, or maybe Troj is just different from them. He says he wants us to wait until we’re married before anything happens between us, and despite the whole notion of being his wife seeming crazy, at the same time, it makes me deliriously happy.

It doesn’t feel like an obligation the way it does with Tawk. I want to be bonded with Troj. I want us to be together, but I also want the people in our lives to be happy for us too.

My uncle will never accept our union, and despite how kind Troj’s people have been, I’m not sure if I'll be accepted here either. But being with him just feels right.

When the door eventually opens I rush to greet him, and it's not until his hands are on me again that I realize how much I’ve missed him.

“Sorry, I had to leave.” His strong arms crush me against his body.

“You weren’t so long.” I kiss his stubbly jaw and he smiles at me awkwardly as he steps around me.

He’s acting differently from the way he was before he left.

“What’s the matter?” I follow him into the bathroom, and when he flicks on the bright bathroom light, I realize what a mess he’s in. His white T-shirt is bloody and his knuckles look like they’ve been bleeding too. There’s even blood in his hair. I’ve seen this man fight, and I’d make a guess that none of the blood belongs to him.

He stares at me through the mirror, like he expects me to say something, but I’m speechless.

“So how does this part work?” I ask, stepping up behind him. I know the club do bad things. When Troj got called away tonight, I was under no impression that he’d be helping old ladies cross the street.

“If you ask me, I’ll tell you.” His voice stays low and his eyes look sad.

“And if I don’t?”

“If you don’t, then you’ll never have to know,” he rasps, continuing to look at me through his reflection as he grips his hands on either side of the basin.

I make a step closer to him, curious, but at the same time fearing the answers to all my questions.

I distract myself from them by reaching out my hands and pulling the leather off his shoulders. He stares back at me, confused, as I drop it to the floor and then take hold of his T-shirt, slowly pushing it up over his bumpy ab muscles. He aids me in getting it off his head before turning around and dragging me tight against his body. My head leans into his hand when he starts to stroke his battered knuckles over my cheek, and his eyes continue to search mine for an explanation.

“I’d never ask you to change who you are for me, Troj, the same way you wouldn’t expect me to change for you. And for that reason, I’ll never ask.” I swallow the lump in my throat and he nods his head back at me.

“Is it crazy that I missed you while you were gone?” I ask, feeling my cheeks flush.

“It ain’t crazy,” he whispers softly.

“Can I stay until sunrise?” I check, whatever he’s done tonight might have made him tired. I don’t want to overstay my welcome.

“I’d like that.” His lips raise up into a tiny smile, and his thumb brushes the skin on my cheek as our noses touch. Being close to him is like breathing in fresh air, and I slide my fingers through some strands of his long wavy hair.

“These would look good braided,” I point out.

“Ain’t gonna happen, darlin’.” He shakes his head at me and laughs. “I need to take a shower, you get back to that TV and I’ll come join you in a few.”

I back away from him and when he closes the door, a part of me wants to open it back up again so I can watch him cleanse his body. The other part knows that it would be a bad idea. I feel something when we’re together, something that makes me wish my morals didn’t exist.

Taking my position back on the couch, I try to settle back into the program I was watching before he came home. But, it’s difficult to concentrate knowing that Troj is naked on the other side of the door, and when he comes out, the sight of him with a towel wrapped around his waist does nothing to help.

His wet hair drips over his shoulders, and the smile he makes at me as he runs his hand through it on his way to his room makes my lady parts flutter.

“What ya been watchin’?” he asks after he comes back out and slouches onto the couch beside me. He smells incredible, and the joggers and tank top he’s wearing look really good on him.